Quality assurance of learning and teaching within the cycle 3 programs


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Presentation transcript:

Quality assurance of learning and teaching within the cycle 3 programs Adilgazinov Geinelgazy Zainullinovich, P.h.d, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Head of the methodology project IQAA

Standards for specialized accreditation (Bachelor, Master)   Standards for specialized accreditation (Doctorate) Aims of the study programmes and policy in the field of quality assurance Policy for quality assurance Development, approval of study programmes and information management Quality of study program Student-centred learning, teaching and assessment Quality of teachnig staff Student admission, progression, recognition and certification Effectiveness of Doctoral Students Support System Teaching staff Resources Learning Resources and Student Support Effectiveness of the learning outcomes of study programmes Public information On-going monitoring and periodic review of programmes, periodic accreditation Integrity On-going monitoring and periodic review of study programmes, periodic accreditation

Policy in the field of quality assurance Standard 1 Policy in the field of quality assurance Internal Quality Assurance System contributes to the implementation of the Educational Program 1.1. Internal Quality Assurance System as a crucial element of Quality Assurance Policy 1.2. Internal Quality Assurance System covers all types of activities (educational, scientific and social) and stages of implementation of the educational program (design, implementation and outcomes) 1.3. Internal stakeholders (administrative, teaching staff and doctorate students) and external stakeholders are involved in the development and support of the quality assurance system. 1.4. All stakeholders are informed about the review outcomes, changes in the content of program and improving conditions of the educational program implementation. 1.5. Review outcomes are applied to improve and adjust the long-term trends and the content of program, to set new goals in accordance with changing external environment. 1.6. The effectiveness of the internal quality assurance system is assessed on a regular basis. 1.7. External assessment of the internal quality assurance system is provided. 1.8. Enabling the environment for engaging foreign doctoral students if possible

Enabling the environment for engaging 9th Salzburg Principle “Increasing Mobility” “Doctoral programmes should seek to offer geographical as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility and international collaboration within an integrated framework of cooperation between universities and other partners.” Enabling the environment for engaging foreign doctoral students if possible

Quality of study program Standard 2 Quality of study program The educational program is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international requirements for doctoral programs, in particular to ensure compliance with the ESG 2.1. Admission is based on clearly defined criteria, which are available to applicants, transparent, describing the conditions of study and the opportunities, as well as the prospects of future employment. 2.2. Admission includes assessment methods that help identify the research potential of applicants and knowledge of a foreign language 2.3. Admission takes into consideration the professional experience and achievements of applicants 2.4. The efficient policy is carried out to engage the target audience. 2.5. Availability and effective use of integrated information report (electronic database) to monitor student progress and the performance of the individual plan (internship, research, research publishing) 2.6. The content of the educational program is developed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international requirements, objectives of the educational program, available resources, the needs of the doctoral student, all stakeholders and the National qualifications framework. 2.7. Doctoral candidates and employers are involved in the development of educational program.

Quality of study program Standard 2 Quality of study program (continuance) 2.8 The content of the study program clearly defines the aims and learning outcomes. 2.9 Assurance the achievement of the goals of research and teaching practices. 2.10 Interdisciplinary approach in developing the content of the educational program is applied. 2.11 Doctoral dissertation research within interdisciplinary approach. 2.12 Applicability of the outcomus of the research conducted in the framework of theses. 2.13 Availability of educational and methodological support, contributing to the successful implementation of the study program. 2.14 Assurance of the equivalent quality of the distance study programmes, in the case of their presence, with full-time study programmes.

6 Salzburg Principles as a Base of Standard 2 – The Quality of Study Program The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research Responsibility of institutions for ensuring that the doctoral programmes and research training they offer are designed to meet new challenges and include appropriate professional career development opportunities The importance of diversity. Bologna rich diversity of doctoral programmes in Europe (including, for example, joint doctoral programmes, offered by two universities from different countries) – is a strength which has to be underpinned by quality and sound practice Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers: should be recognised as professionals, who make a key contribution to the creation of new knowledge Duration: doctoral programmes should operate within appropriate time duration (three to four years full-time as a rule) Increasing mobility: Doctoral programmes should seek to offer geographical as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility and international collaboration within an integrated framework of cooperation between universities and other partners. 1 2 3 4 7 9

Quality of teachnig staff Standard 3 Quality of teachnig staff Qualification of teachinf staff and institution human resource policy contribute to the implementation of study program 3.1 Ensuring a sufficient number of teaching staff with appropriate qualifications and professional experience for the implementation of the study program in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3.2 Contribution in the professional development of teaching staff 3.3 Human resource policy, that encourages the quality of implementation of study program 3.4 Establishment of conditions (time, funds, jobs, etc.) for creativity and research activities of the faculty 3.5 Application of advanced pedagogical methods of teaching and innovations in the study process 3.6 Active participation of teaching staff in research 3.7 Assurance of adequate level of publications of teaching staff in national anf foreign academic journals, including publications with impact factor

Quality of teachnig staff Standard 3 Quality of teachnig staff (continuance) 3.8 Assurance of academic integrity of teachinf and administrative staff compliance with the code of honor of the University employee. 3.9 Invitation of highly qualified specialists from leading national and foreign organizations and industry. 3.10 Ensuring the appropriate level of supervision of dissertations. 3.11 Ensuring mutual responsibility of the doctoral student, supervisor and foreign consultant for the completion of the dissertation. 3.12 Establishment of conditions for the supervisor and the foreign consultant for the corresponding realisation of their activities. 3.13 Support in advanced training of supervisors and foreign consultants. 3.14 Payment for services of a foreign consultant and financial incentives for a scientific supervisor.

The 5-th Salzburg Principle - The crucial role of supervision and assessment: in respect of individual doctoral candidates, arrangements for supervision and assessment should be based on a transparent contractual framework of shared responsibilities between doctoral candidates, supervisors and the institution (and where appropriate including other partners). Assessment of the scientific potential of the teaching staff, the level of their scientific publications, ensuring mutual responsibility of the doctoral student, supervisor and foreign consultant for the completion of the thesis, the creation of appropriate conditions for the supervisor and foreign consultant, including payment for their services.

Effectiveness of Doctoral Students Support System Standard 4. Effectiveness of Doctoral Students Support System Institution provides full support to doctoral students at all stages of study process in the framework of the study program. 4.1 Providing support to doctoral students in the approval of the topic of the dissertation, supervisor, foreign consultant, preparation for the scientific intership and dissertation defense. 4.2 Providing services that help students to carry out academic mobility (internal and external) for the acquisition of additional experience and competencies in the form of credits in universities of the country, near and far abroad. 4.3 Implementation of the procedure for the admission of students from other universities, the recognition and offset of credits assimilated during the academic mobility. 4.4 Qualification of support service staff matches the interests and needs of doctoral students. 4.5 Creation of conditions for full training of doctoral students with disabilities, working and foreign doctoral students

The 4-th Salzburg Principle - Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers: should be recognised as professionals – with commensurate rights - who make a key contribution to the creation of new knowledge. Review of the Heis work to support doctoral students in the approval of the topic, scientific guidance, organization of scientific internship and dissertation defense, support in the realisation of academic mobility (internal and external), creating conditions for full training of doctoral students with disabilities, working students and foreign doctoral students

STANDARD 5. RESOURCES Available resources contribute to the achievement of aims of study program. 5.1 Availability and effective use of material resources for the implementation of the study program in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 5.2 Availability of comprehensive facilities, equipment, classrooms, laboratories, and ensuring their availability, serviceability, compliance with actual requirements. 5.3 Support and updating of material and laboratory facilities, if any. 5.4 Updating and replenishment of material and technical base with advanced equipment for the study program. 5.5 Availability of a unified information management system for doctoral students (for example, website-based), the availability of Wi-Fi points. 5.6 Providing doctoral students with access to modern electronic databases of national and foreign dissertations, and databases Scopus, Thomson Reuters, etc

The 8-th Salzburg Principle «The promotion of innovative structures» The 10-th Salzburg Principle «Ensuring appropriate funding» Review of the availability and effective use of material resources, availability of modern tools, equipment, laboratories, support and updating of the material base, capabilities of a unified information system to ensure doctoral students, including access to modern electronic databases of dissertations, publications of the Scopus database, Thomson Reuters, etc.

EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF STUDY PROGRAMMES STANDARD 6. PUBLIC INFORMATION Institution informs the public about activities within the framework of the implementation of the study program 6.1 Availability of imformation on study program, expected learning outcomes, contingent, teaching staff and institution-partners. 6.2 Publication of information on outcomes of internal quality assurance system, internal and external reviews. STANDARD 7. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF STUDY PROGRAMMES Institution ensures the achievement of learning outcomes of the study program 7.1 Implementation of a system assessment of academic performance of doctoral students and taking into account the results of this assessment for further improvement of the study process 7.2 Ensuring the achivement of the expected outcomes of srudy program 7.3 The use of these forms of mid-term and final review, which contribute to the assessment of the level of achievement of learning outcomes 7.4 Compliance of the competencies of graduate of study program with the needs of labor market

The 6-th Salzburg Principle «Achieving critical mass: Doctoral programmes should seek to achieve critical mass and should draw on different types of innovative practice being introduced in universities across Europe, bearing in mind that different solutions may be appropriate to different contexts and in particular across larger and smaller European countries..» Assessment of the exact achivement of the program outcomes on the content of the planned outcomes of learning, in particular, completion on time and with the defense of a doctoral dissertation, publication of the outcomes of research in the required publications, review of the compliance of graduate student competence to the needs of labor market

STANDARD 8. INTEGRITY Institution policy should be aimed to promote and follow to the integrity in realisation of study program 8.1 Application of activities to support academic integrity and freedom, to protect against any kind of intolerance and discrimination against doctoral students, teaching or academic staff 8.2 Anti-corruption policy of institution as an important element in the policy of quality assurance of study programmes: anti-corruption measures; availability of the administration from institution and Faculty for teaching staff and students; and the flexibility to respond to requests. 8.3 Assessing the extent of doctoral students’ borrowing in performing course works and dissertations (system of checking using the "Antiplagiarism" programme and others).

The 6-th Salzburg Principle «Achieving critical mass: Doctoral programmes should seek to achieve critical mass and should draw on different types of innovative practice being introduced in universities across Europe, bearing in mind that different solutions may be appropriate to different contexts and in particular across larger and smaller European countries..» Review of the availability of activities to support academic integrity and freedom, protection against any kind of intolerance and discrimination against doctoral students, teaching or academic staff; to implement anti-corruption work, accessibility of the administration of heis, faculty for doctoral students, flexibility in responding to their requests; especially the work to assess the extent of borrowing doctoral coursework and doctoral dissertations to achieve originality and innovation of the outcomes of doctoral studies.

STANDARD 9. ON-GOING MONITORING AND PERIODIC REVIEW OF STUDY PROGRAMMES, PERIODIC ACCREDITATION 9.1 Instittutions should on the basis of Contract annually carry out on-going poataccredition monitoring for review of changes of internal quality assurance system. For analysing changes and improvements of study program in 2 years after accreditation the visit is organized of 1-2 peer-reviewers and coordinator by the Contract 9.2 In case of the reqirements of postaccreditation monitoring are not implemented, the agency has a right to suspend the certificate of accreditation of study program 9.3 In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education“, with standards of IQAA and ESG institutuons on the regular base should undergo the procedure of external review once in 5 years – accreditation of study programmes.