UN/LOCODE System Business Requirements Specification UN/LOCODE Yan Zhang Economic Affairs Officer UNECE December 2017, Geneva
In This Presentation Project background Study report Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Project background Study report Brief of BRS Way-forward
Project Background UN/LOCODE The First UN/LOCODE Conference, 24 April 2015, Geneva Objectives: • Drawing Member States' attention on the issue of UN/LOCODE maintenance; • Seeking more support by having a nominated focal point per country; and • Brainstorming on how to improve UN/LOCODE http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=38907#/
Project Background UN/LOCODE The Second UN/LOCODE Conference, 28 April 2016, Geneva http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=42323#/
Project Background UN/LOCODE The Second UN/LOCODE Conference, 28 April 2016, Geneva http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/plenary/2017/ECE_TRADE_C_CEFACT_2017_14E__UNLOCODE_conference_report_.pdf
On a volunteer basis, representatives from Project Background UN/LOCODE The UN/LOCODE Feasibility Study Team BIC, Brazil, Esri, IHS Markit, IMO, Japan, Sweden and Thailand. On a volunteer basis, representatives from Japan IMO Norway IBC Spain GT-Nexus Thailand IHS UN/CEFACT INTTRA European Union COSCO ESRI
Project Background The UN/LOCODE Feasibility Study Confluence UN/CEFACT Environment (CUE) https://uncefact.unece.org/
Project Background UN/LOCODE The Third UN/LOCODE Conference, 30 March 2017, Geneva http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=45365
On a volunteer basis, representatives from Project Background UN/LOCODE The Re-engineering UN/LOCODE System Project Team On a volunteer basis, representatives from BIC Brazil ESRI IHS Markit IMO Japan Sweden Thailand http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=45365
In This Presentation Project background Study report Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Project background Study report Brief of BRS Way-forward
Current UN/LOCODE System: Study Report UN/LOCODE Current UN/LOCODE System:
Study Report Current workflow Front-end: UN/LOCODE Current workflow Front-end: .Net + SQL server (Since 2004) DMRs prepared off-line Data Synchronisation Back-end: MS ACCESS (since 2002) Bi-annually, free of charge
Study Report Drawbacks from users’ perspective: UN/LOCODE Drawbacks from users’ perspective: No editing after submission Need to edit a DMR after submission before validation No tracking after submission Don’t know validation results unless look it up on the latest release published on the website No notification of when the release is published No web form for requests for modification No ‘real-time’ update Bi-annual publication, average 6-month-delay No sub-dataset download
Drawbacks from the secretariat’s perspective: Study Report UN/LOCODE Drawbacks from the secretariat’s perspective: No data-interface between front-end and back-end system No online validation with support of online tools Heavy workload to creation of DMRs for modification No supporting to the workflow associated with Focal Points No supporting to the customized workflow No ‘real-time’ validation
Drawbacks from the system perspective No central database Study Report UN/LOCODE Drawbacks from the system perspective No central database Multiple applications on different platforms No data interface between front-end and back-end system No good input validation on the front-end system
UN/LOCODE system to be re-engineered ASAP Study Report UN/LOCODE Summary: UN/LOCODE system to be re-engineered ASAP Current free-of-charge services MUST be continued The new UN/LOCODE system should be supported by one central database Legacy data must be migrated to the new system
Future UN/LOCODE System Study Report UN/LOCODE Future UN/LOCODE System
Study Report The future system: UN/LOCODE The future system: The current free-of-charge services will be continued - Free registration - Free DMR online submission - Free download of directories - Free online inquiry The new functions, such as web service for ‘real-time’ update, might be charged as value-added services One web-based application with one central database developed on the UN ICT standard platform and hosted in the UN ICT environment Meet new business requirements, especially escaladed validation workflow Easy maintenance and enhancements Data quality will be improved
In This Presentation Project background Study report Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Project background Study report Brief of BRS Way-forward
Business Requirements Specification Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Background Business Requirements Specification To standardize the Business processes
Brief of BRS References UN/LOCODE References UNECE Recommendation 16 – Code for Trade and Transport Locations, (ECE/TRADE/227 (revised), third edition, adopted, dated December 1998) UN/LOCODE Focal Point Terms of Reference (ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2016/16, issued for the Twenty-second Session of UN/CEFACT plenary, document dated: 11 February 2016) UN/LOCODE Advisory Group – Mandates and Terms of Reference (ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2017/17, issued for the Twenty-third Session of UN/CEFACT plenary, document dated: 17 January 2017)
Brief of BRS Terms UN/LOCODE A Five-character coded representation for the names of ports, airports, inland clearance depots, inland freight terminals, other transport related locations and trade related locations which are used for the movement of goods. COUNTRY Countries, territories and special areas based on ISO 3166-1. LOCATION Any named geographical place, recognized by a competent national body, either with permanent facilities used for goods movements associated with trade, and used for these purposes, or proposed by the Government concerned or by a competent national or international organization for inclusion in the UN/LOCODE. PORT Any location with permanent facilities at which vessels can load or discharge cargo moving in maritime traffic. AIRPORT Any location with permanent facilities at which aircraft can load or discharge cargo moving in air traffic. Inland Clearance Depot (ICD): A common user facility, other than a port or an airport, approved by a competent body, equipped with fixed installations and offering services for handling and temporary storage of any kind of goods (including containers) carried under Customs transit by any applicable mode of transport, placed under Customs control and with Customs and other agencies competent to clear goods for home use, warehousing, temporary admission, re-export, temporary storage for onward transit and outright export. (Definition applies also to synonyms like Dry Port, Inland Clearance Terminal, etc.) Inland freight terminal Any facility, other than a port or an airport, operated on a common-user basis, at which cargo in trade is received or dispatched. CODE Data transformation or data representation in different forms according to pre-established rules. (Definition adapted from ISO 5127-1:1983) CODE ELEMENT Result of applying a code to an element in a set of elements to be coded (In UN/LOCODE, one code element represents the name of a port, an airport, inland clearance depot, inland freight terminal, or a location). (Definition adapted from ISO 2382-4/1987)
Data Requirement Statement Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Data Requirement Statement LOCODE Name NameWoDiacritics Subdivision Status Function Date IATA Coordinates GB CDF Cardiff CRF AF 1--4---- 1101 CWL 5130N 00312W Number Data Requirement Statement B1 A DMR for a new entry may specify Country, Location Code, Location Name, Subdivision, Function(s), Geographical Coordinates, Web Link, etc. B2 Country is ISO 3166-1 two-alphabet code B3 Location Code is not case sensitive with using 26 alphabets and numbers (2 to 9) B4 Location Name is in Latin characters including diacritical marks adopted characters specified in the UNECE Rec. No 16 B5 Subdivision is based on ISO 3166-2 B6 Function(s) is a set of values (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,B) specified in the UNECE Rec. No 16. 1- Port 2- Railway Station 3- Road Terminal 4- Airport 5- Postal Exchange Office 6- ICD 7- Fixed Transport, i.e. fixed oil well B- Border B7 Status B8 Geographical Coordinates are in format ddmmN/S dddmmE/W dd=degrees (00 to 90), ddd=degrees (000 to 180), mm=minutes (00 to 59) B9 Web Link is an hyperlink to refer the location, i.e. http://www.maplandia.com
Brief of BRS Business Process Roles Participants and Stakeholders UN/LOCODE Business Process Roles Participants and Stakeholders DMR Requester UN/LOCODE User Community Validating Authority UNECE Secretariat, UN/LOCODE Focal Points Publisher UNECE Secretariat Consumer /User
Submitted Pending for Validation Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Lifecycle of DMR DMR Drafted DMR Submitted Pending for Validation DMR Being Validated DMR To be published DMR Withdrawn DMR Rejected DMR Approved
Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Conceptal Model
Brief of BRS Business Requirement List Number UN/LOCODE Business Requirement List Number Business Requirement Statement Business Transaction Name for this Requirement A.1 The Requestor submits a DMR for a new entry Submit a DMR for a New Code A.2 The Requestor submits a DMR for modification of an existing entry, including deletion of an existing entry Submit a DMR for Modification A.3 The Requestor submits DMRs by batch Submit DMRs by Batch A.4 The Validating Authorities perform validation for a DMR DMR Validation A.5 The Publisher issues the bi-annual directories Directory Publication A.6 The Consumer looks up UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE Inquiry A.7 The Consumer exports a dataset of UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE Download
Brief of BRS DMR Submission: DMR Submission Submit DMR Requestor UN/LOCODE DMR Submission: DMR Submission Submit DMR Requestor
Form for Business Process Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE DMR Submission: Form for Business Process General Name DMR Submission Description The requestor sends a DMR to the validating authority. Details Classified to Business Areas and Process Areas Business Area: Transport & Logistics Process Area: Ship Participants and their interests DMR Requestor Stakeholders and their interests The UN/LOCODE User Community Reference(s) Start/End Characteristics Pre-condition The requestor has logged in with registered credentials. There is a need to send a DMR. Post-condition DMR Drafted/Submitted Begins When DMR Awaited Ends When DMR is submitted to the validating authority Actions Filling in a web form and passing input validation Exceptions Duplication of request or input validation not met Relationships Included Business Processes Affected Business Entities DMR
Brief of BRS DMR Submission: New Request Request for Modification UN/LOCODE DMR Submission: New Request Request for Modification DMRs by Batch
Brief of BRS DMR Validation 2. DMR Validation Participate Validate UN/LOCODE DMR Validation 2. DMR Validation Participate Validate Validation Authory DMR Requestor
Form for Business Process Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE DMR Validation Form for Business Process General Name 2. DMR Validation Description When the Validating Authority receives the DMR, he or she checks the specified inclusion criteria. The validating authorities also check accuracy of metadata of DMR. If no discrepancies or mistakes after being corrected by the Validating Authority, the DMR is approved and ready for being published. Otherwise, if with discrepancy detected or against the inclusion criteria, the DMR is rejected, withdrawn or postponed for further clarification. Details Classified to Business Areas and Process Areas Business Area: Transport & Logistics Process Area: Ship Participants and their interests Validating Authority Stakeholders and their interests The Secretariat, UN/LOCODE Focal Points Reference(s) Start/End Characteristics Pre-condition The DMR is submitted successfully and ready for validation. Post-condition The DMR is approved, withdrawn, rejected or postponed. Begins When The DMR ready for validation. Ends When The DMR is given a validation result. Actions According to validation criteria, the status of the DMR is changed based on validation result. Exceptions Relationships Included Business Processes DMR Submission Affected Business Entities DMR
Brief of BRS Directory Publication 3. Directory Publication Publish UN/LOCODE Directory Publication 3. Directory Publication Publish Publisher
Form for Business Process Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Directory Publication Form for Business Process General Name 3. Directory Publication Description After cut-off date, all approved DMRs are updated as a latest release and published on the UNECE website. Details Classified to Business Areas and Process Areas Business Area: Transport & Logistics Process Area: Ship Participants and their interests Publisher Stakeholders and their interests The Secretariat Reference(s) Start/End Characteristics Pre-condition The DMR is ready for publication after the cut-off date. Post-condition The DMR is published. Begins When The DMR is ready for publication. Ends When The new approved DMR is published with change indicator. Actions After the cut-off date, all DMRs approved for publication will be updated to the latest release and published on the UNECE website in agreed formats free-of –charge. Exceptions Relationships Included Business Processes DMR Submission, DMR Validation Affected Business Entities UN/LOCODE
Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE use Request 4. UN/LOCODE Use User
Form for Business Process Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE use Form for Business Process General Name 4. UN/LOCODE Use Description Look up UN/LOCODE with different search criteria. Details Classified to Business Areas and Process Areas Business Area: Transport & Logistics Process Area: Ship Participants and their interests User Stakeholders and their interests The UN/LOCODE User Community Reference(s) Start/End Characteristics Pre-condition The database is open for inquiry Post-condition The result is returned. Begins When The inquiry is sent. Ends When The inquiry result is returned. Actions Based on the inquiry, the database will be looked up and returns the result. Exceptions Relationships Included Business Processes Affected Business Entities UN/LOCODE
Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE use UN/LOCODE lookup UN/LOCODE download
In This Presentation Project background Study report Brief of BRS UN/LOCODE Project background Study report Brief of BRS Way-forward
Way-forward Technical proposals: ESRI UN/LOCODE Technical proposals: ESRI Presented at the Third UN/LOCODE Conference on 30 March 2017 IHS Markit To be presented at the UN/LOCODE Advisory Group Lauch Meeting on 30 November 2017 Others …
Thank you! UN/LOCODE Yan Zhang Economic Affairs Officer UNECE November 2017, Geneva