Progress to
Housekeeping Run through appropriate housekeeping
Our Goal Today An overview of the next six weeks You will then be able to leave today session knowing what is expected from you and what will be taking place 1 - minute
Introductions Introductions. Introduce yourselves to the group and go around the room to get everyone’s name and one hobby/interest they have. Get all students to write their name on a piece of paper in front of them.
Today’s session… Introductions Ice Breaker What’s happening? Team challenge Expectations? Run over what you will be covering in the session. Introductions- will have already been done. Thank the group for their participation in this. Ice breaker- This will get the group thinking and moving around. What’s happening- Why are we here and what will we cover over the next 6 weeks? Team challenge- There will be a team challenge later on in the session. Expectations- We will look at what you expect from the sessions and how we can meet that.
Ice breaker Hand out the bingo sheet to each student. Tell them they have 5 minutes to move around the room and find 1 person who has done each thing on the bingo sheet- they cannot use the same person twice (unless the size of the group limits this).
Learning styles Please complete the questionnaire. There are no right or wrong answers, just be honest. Hand out learning styles questionnaire to complete. Tell the students to add up the amount they have in each column at the bottom. Once finished, hand out learning styles descriptions sheet. If you have more than 5 in one category this is one of your learning preferences. You might have more than one!
Progress to success Making you more employable Over the next six weeks we will be running workshops which will involve: Team work/(communication) – An effective team, what is a team, having the right people in your team, clear roles within a team, team challenge Time Management – How you manage your time, poor time management, focusing on what is important with tasks set, group work Presentation Skills – What is presentation, preparing a presentation, presentation methods, Body language, your chance to present! Project – You will undertake a small project which will utilise the skills you have acquired in the workshops, remember to take notes so you are well prepared for this session. Review and Reflect – assessment of your own progress, feedback from students, staff. Are you now work ready? Making you ready for the world of work. 5 minutes
Hula Hoop Challenge This is a taster of some of the tasks you will be doing. (Team Building/Communications) How To Play: Divide into groups of ¾ Give each group a hula hoop They have to get the hula hoop over their entire bodies in the quickest time. 1 minute to discuss The group are timed and the quickest wins (first time around) Then ask the group to talk about how they could improve their time. Run the activity again and work out the difference between their 2 times. The group which improves most wins this time.
Expectations Split into groups of 3/4, and ask the following questions: What do you think companies are looking for in employees? Why is a good first impression important? What do you want to achieve at the end of the six week programme? Get each group to write their answers on some paper and then feedback afterwards. 10 minutes
Any Questions? Thank you for attending today’s session, we hope that you have found it informative and useful … any questions?