Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms Spaces within the body containing vital organs Two MAIN Cavities Dorsal – (posterior) on the back side of the body Cranial – holds the brain Spinal Cavity – holds the spinal cord Ventral– (anterior) on the belly side of the body Thoracic – holds the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels Abdominal – holds organs of the digestive & urinary systems Stomach, small intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, & part of the large intestine Pelvic – contains the urinary bladder, reproductive organs, rectum, remaining part of the large intestine & the appendix Dorsal – one long cavity Ventral – larger than the Dorsal cavity Diaphragm – muscle separating the thoracic & abdominal cavities Abdominopelvic cavity – the abdominal & pelvic cavities combined updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms BODY PLANES updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms BODY PLANES Fixed lines of reference along which the body is often divided or sectioned Allows for a three-dimensional perspective updated, fall 2008
SAGITTAL - MEDIAL PLANE Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms SAGITTAL - MEDIAL PLANE Divides the body into two parts Left & Right updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms MIDSAGITTAL PLANE Divides the body into EQUAL left and right halves updated, fall 2008
FRONTAL or CORONAL PLANE Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms FRONTAL or CORONAL PLANE Divides the body into anterior and posterior sections updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms TRANSVERSE PLANE Divides body into top (superior) and bottom (inferior) parts updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms ANATOMICAL POSITION Standing erect Facing forward Arms at side Palms forward updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms ANTERIOR/VENTRAL Means to the front (belly) side of the body updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms POSTERIOR/DORSAL Means the back side of the body updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms SUPERIOR Above another structure Stomach is superior to the large intestine updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms INFERIOR Below another structure Vagina is inferior to the uterus updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms LATERAL Means away from the midline The eyes are lateral to the nose updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms MEDIAL Means middle or near the midline The nose is medial to the eyes updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms PROXIMAL Means near the point of attachment to the trunk Proximal end of the femur (near the hip bone) updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms DISTAL Means away from the point of attachment to the trunk Distal end of the femur (near the patella) updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms SUPINE Means lying on the back facing upward UP is in the word supine updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms PRONE Means lying on the stomach facing downward updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms DEEP Means through the surface updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms SUPERFICIAL Means on or near the surface updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms CRANIAL CEPHALIC Meaning toward the head updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms CAUDAL Meaning toward the feet updated, fall 2008
Body Cavities-Planes-Regions & Directional Terms Cephalic or Cranial Transverse Caudal updated, fall 2008