We have been learning about…. 8.2.19
Snow…..snow….snow! Yippee!!
Did you book a table at the Chinese restaurant?
What did you pretend to be? A waiter? A customer? A chef?
Can you remember how you made the spring rolls? How many did you eat?
Making Chinese lanterns.
How did you make your Chinese dragons?
Kane, Elnathan and Finley made a guinea pig enclosure. They checked the enclosure for holes and then asked if they could test it out on one of the guinea pigs. They were very careful and kind!
What else did you learn about this week?
Movie Night is next Thursday 3.30- 5.15pm – Parents DO NOT need to attend. Cost £3
Please remember that: Homework is due in on Wednesday Library books are changed on Thursdays P.E. is on Thursday. Nursery – your sound next week is i.