Chapter 7
1- What did Hans do to try fishing?
** He tied a hook to the end of a rope, put some meat and threw it into the sea.
How was the fish which Hans caught strange?
** It had a 1- flat head 2- no tail 2- no eyes.
What fantastic creatures did Axel expect to see during the journey?
He expected to see lizards, whales and extinct birds.
What did the professor do to find out how deep the sea was?
He tied a pickaxe to along rope and throw it into the sea.
What did the two monsters do?
They attacked each other.
How long did the fight between the two monsters last?
It lasted for 2 or 3 hours.
What was the fountain of water?
** It was a geyser.
What did the professor name the island?
He named it Axel’s Island.
Why didn't the professor want to lower the sail?
He wanted the storm to take them forward
How long did the storm last?
** It lasted for three days.
What did the professor find on the shore?
** He found the skull of a human.
How were the trees in the forest different?
** The trees were pale yellow. There had no branches.
How did Axel know the animals were mammoths?
** He saw them in his science book.
How tall was the giant shepherd?
** He was more than three ( 3) meters tall.