DIAGNOSIS OF NOISE, VIBRATION l Abnormal noise can be caused by l Faulty bearings l Damaged clutches l Worn oil pump l Improper fluid level l Damaged planetary gears l Worn bands l Contaminated fluid Page 61
VIBRATION l Most vibration problems are caused by torque converters. l Bad torque converters. l Improperly mounted torque converter. l Cracked flex plate
NOISE l Customer complaints about transmissions can be incorrect. l Other causes could be l Bad CV or U-joints l Wheel bearings l Brake calipers
VIBRATION DIAGNOSIS l Pay attention to l Engine speed l Vehicle speed l Engine load l Trans range
NOISE DIAGNOSIS l If noise occurs at all times and engine speeds –Trans oil pump –Converter l If noise only occurs in one range –Planetary gear set –Clutch or Band
INSPECTION l Determine what particles are made of l Use a magnet to see if particles are steel or aluminum. l Plastic can come from torque converter l Each piece must be carefully inspected. Page 62
TRANSMISSION REMOVAL l 1. Remove pan to drain oil and inspect debris. l Remove drive line l Disconnect cooler lines l Disconnect shift linkage, TV linkage or Modulator. l Disconnect neutral safety switch, if Trans mounted. Page 62
TRANSMISSION REMOVAL l Remove inspection cover, converter bolts. l Remove starter l Place Trans jack, remove crossmember l Remove 6 Trans to engine bolts Page 63
TRANSAXLE REMOVAL l Removal of axle shafts l Removal of sub frame Page 63
TRANS INSTALLATION l Make sure dowel pins are in the engine block. l Not in the transmission. l Make sure converter is free at all times. l Dont allow Trans to hang. l Put bolts in the hole they came from. Page 66
DISASSEMBLY l Things to check before disassembly. l Measure depth converter fits into transmission case. l Inspect felxplate for cracks or warpage. l Inspect ring gear teeth for damage.
CONVERTER l Check converter attaching bolts or bolt holes. l Check converter neck where seal rides. l Check converter neck where bushing rides. l Check oil pump drive lugs. l Check splines on input, stator, and pump drive. Page 70
DISASSEMBLY l Things to check before disassembly. l Look up how to Check end play l Measure end play, write it down. l End play should be set to the low end of specification. l Some transmissions may have more than one end play check. Page 72
CLEAN WORK AREA l There is no such thing as being to clean. l The correct position of all parts is of great importance. l Internal components can be washed with solvent and dried. l Each subassembly should be completely disassembled. Page 73
INSPECTION l Inspect each piece tree times. l Inspect once during disassembly. l Inspect during cleaning of the parts. l Inspect during reassembly.
BASIC DISASSEMBLY l When possible use a holding fixture. l Remove bellhousing if possible. l Remove all external switches, modulators, governor. l Remove speedometer driven gear and adapter. Page 73
BASIC DISASSEMBLY l Remove pan and valve body. l Any servos or other devices from oil pan area. l Remove front pump. l Loosen band adjustment, remove struts. l Remove drums, front & rear. Page 73
BASIC DISASSEMBLY l Remove snap ring. l Remove gear train. l Planetarys, internal gears, sun gear. l Remove rear band. l Overrunning clutch, and rear clutch piston. Page 74
Final Drive Components l The unit is a transaxle disassemble the final drive. l Inspect all components. Page 75
Speedometer Drive Service l Check for wear on the driven gear seal area. l Check to see if teeth are applecored. l Check adapter for wear. l Check to see if the adapter has to be indexed Page 76
Parking Pawl l Examine the engagement lug on the pawl, making sure it is not rounded off. l Make sure return spring is in proper place. l If parking components do not operate correctly, the car may roll or drop into reverse, causing serious injury. Page 77
Drive Chain l Drive chains should be inspected for stretch. l Inspect sprocket teeth for wear. l Check bearings for smooth operation. Page 78
Thrust Washers l Inspect for scoring, flaking, and wear. l Always check end play and set to low side of tolerance. l Use assembly lube to hold in place. l Never use grease. Page 79
Bushings l Check all bushings for: –Clearance –Flaking –Scoring –Smearing l Check installed depth before replacing. l Align any oil holes. Page 82
Bearings l Check bearings for : –Pitting –Galling –Roughness Page 82
Planetary Gear Sets l Check planetary gear sets for: –Stripped teeth –Chipped teeth –End play –Loose pinions –Rough pinions Page 84
Shafts l Check shafts for: –Bushing & bearing surfaces –Seal surfaces –Open passageways –Sealing ring side clearance Page 86
TRANSMISSION CASE l Should be thoroughly cleaned & passages blown out. l Check Bushings. l Fluid passages. l Bolt hole threads. l Governor bore. Page 88
TRANSMISSION CASE l Check all Accumulator, Servo Bores for scoring. l Bores must also be checked for scratches or gouges. l Gasket surfaces must also be checked for scratches. l Check case for porosity. l Check for warpage across valve body surface. Page 89
EXTENSION HOUSING l Check for cracks. l Check Bushing, with feeler gauge. l Install seal with proper driver. Page 90