CICA Project of the Year Entry Template
Scope of the project --- 2 Points Location Client
Scope of the project--- 4 Points Description of the lift (detailed overview of the project, please also provide videos or photos if available)
Project Methods --- 5 points Resources crane used, rigging gear, other lifting equipment selection methods and engineering controls (provide calculation, lift plan, drawings or other supporting document)
Project Methods --- 5 points Methodology and sequences of operation
Project Methods --- 10 points Innovation (describe your challenge, why innovation is needed and your solution. Provide calculations and drawings or other supporting documents)
Planning and control --- 20 points How were the risks controlled? How did you reduce the hazards and control the challenges? Risk assessment (Site SWMS, JSAs, signed by all involved) Comply to Australian Standards and manufacturer specification Attach additional documents for this section
Planning and control --- 10 points Equipment selection methods and engineering controls (provide calculation, lift plan, drawings or other supporting document)
Planning and control --- 3 points Time management (programs, timetable and describe coordination to deliver the scope) Attach additional documents for this section
Site condition ---15 points Environmental factors (site restraints, challenges, solutions) Physical difficulties and/or Location logistics
Site condition --- 5 points Ground condition Attach drawings or geotechnical reports
Lift Complexity --- 20 points Describe design and technical challenges
Customer satisfaction ---5 points Client testimony if applicable Attach evidence.