Jerzy Pietraszko, HADES at SIS100 - status GSI Darmstadt, Germany for the HADES Collaboration HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV GSI, Darmstadt, November 19-22, 2012 1
HADES at SIS100 (2-10 AGeV), motivation Aim: Systematic dielectron and hadron spectroscopy in elementary and HICs up to 10 AGeV No di-electron data exist in this energy range Enhance production of Vector Mesons: SIS18 SIS 100 (subthreshold production above threshold ) better signal, precise line shape determi(nation reference data for SIS 300 HADES at SIS100: - proven performance in Au+Au run at SIS18 - easy transfer to FAIR, experienced crew - can deliver high quality data But: for pair excess determination a precise knowledge of the hadronic cocktail is needed At 2-40 AGeV mainly dominated by η-Dalitz Normalization to π0 (at SIS18 – TAPS data) Calorimeter for HADES π0, η measurement improved pion suppression HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 2
HADES at SIS100 – phase space coverage T. Galatyuk HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 3
HADES at SIS100 – phase space coverage T. Galatyuk HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 4
p+p- invariant mass distributions T. Galatyuk 5
The FAIR facility at GSI - modular start version Start of civil construction: 2012 CBM cave completed: 2017 Installation: 2017-2018 CBM Beam line commissioning: February - July 2018 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.
HADES/CBM cave design W. Niebur 7 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 7
HADES/CBM cave design W. Niebur 8 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 8
cave length: 37 m width: 22 m height: 17 m W. Niebur 30t and 2t crane 19.11.2012 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.
HADES/CBM cave preparation – radiation safety - consequences A. Senger No space for FWall – has to be shortened HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 10
HADES at SIS100 - status SIS100 beam energies: ions up to 14 A GeV (Au79+ – 11.2 AGeV) protons up to 29 GeV HADES is in Module 1 FAIR period together with CBM. The TDR: "HADES at SIS100" has been submitted to the FAIR management (2009) – positively evaluated. HADES@SIS100 Collaboration has to be formally established to be discussed during the CB meeting today. Declarations from the HADES collaboration members. preliminary task/responsibilities assignment Open possibility to join HADES@SIS100 by external institutes MoU of "HADES at SIS100" has to be prepared – urgently need MoU between HADES and CBM HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.
HADES at SIS100 – project preparation HADES@SIS100 preparation projects Cave infrastructure for HADES Spectrometer transfer to new cave Cryo modifications and Magnet transfer Calorimeter (electronics, mechanics, calibration, software and data analysis) LH2 target for HADES@SIS100 Physics case for HADES@SIS100 – simulation New components for the DAQ: like TRB3 for timing and data transfer Existing Detectors SIS100 Beam detectors/LVL1 Trigger Tracking system maintenance: MDCI, MDCII, MDCIII, MDCIV TOF maintenance RPC maintenance RICH maintenance Fwall DAQ maintenance (upgrade) in addition: Straw tubes in the magnet region to improve the tracking capability Forward spectrometer for theta < 20 degrees FWall based on single-crystalline diamond HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 12
Thank you ! ... waiting for outcome of discussion HADES at SIS100 Costs – basic version cave infrastructure transport and installation in the new cave Magnet transport and installation 920 kEuro ... waiting for outcome of discussion during the CB meeting today .... Thank you ! HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.