Jerzy Pietraszko, HADES at SIS100 - status GSI Darmstadt, Germany


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Presentation transcript:

Jerzy Pietraszko, HADES at SIS100 - status GSI Darmstadt, Germany for the HADES Collaboration HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV GSI, Darmstadt, November 19-22, 2012 1

HADES at SIS100 (2-10 AGeV), motivation Aim: Systematic dielectron and hadron spectroscopy in elementary and HICs up to 10 AGeV No di-electron data exist in this energy range Enhance production of Vector Mesons: SIS18  SIS 100 (subthreshold production  above threshold ) better signal, precise line shape determi(nation reference data for SIS 300 HADES at SIS100: - proven performance in Au+Au run at SIS18 - easy transfer to FAIR, experienced crew - can deliver high quality data But: for pair excess determination a precise knowledge of the hadronic cocktail is needed At 2-40 AGeV mainly dominated by η-Dalitz Normalization to π0 (at SIS18 – TAPS data)  Calorimeter for HADES  π0, η measurement  improved pion suppression HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 2

HADES at SIS100 – phase space coverage T. Galatyuk HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 3

HADES at SIS100 – phase space coverage T. Galatyuk HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 4

p+p- invariant mass distributions T. Galatyuk 5

The FAIR facility at GSI - modular start version Start of civil construction: 2012 CBM cave completed: 2017 Installation:                 2017-2018 CBM Beam line commissioning: February - July 2018 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.

HADES/CBM cave design W. Niebur 7 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 7

HADES/CBM cave design W. Niebur 8 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 8

cave length: 37 m width: 22 m height: 17 m W. Niebur 30t and 2t crane 19.11.2012 HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.

HADES/CBM cave preparation – radiation safety - consequences A. Senger No space for FWall – has to be shortened HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 10

HADES at SIS100 - status SIS100 beam energies: ions up to 14 A GeV (Au79+ – 11.2 AGeV) protons up to 29 GeV HADES is in Module 1 FAIR period together with CBM. The TDR: "HADES at SIS100" has been submitted to the FAIR management (2009) – positively evaluated. HADES@SIS100 Collaboration has to be formally established  to be discussed during the CB meeting today. Declarations from the HADES collaboration members.  preliminary task/responsibilities assignment Open possibility to join HADES@SIS100 by external institutes MoU of "HADES at SIS100" has to be prepared – urgently need MoU between HADES and CBM HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.

HADES at SIS100 – project preparation HADES@SIS100 preparation projects Cave infrastructure for HADES Spectrometer transfer to new cave Cryo modifications and Magnet transfer Calorimeter (electronics, mechanics, calibration, software and data analysis) LH2 target for HADES@SIS100 Physics case for HADES@SIS100 – simulation New components for the DAQ: like TRB3 for timing and data transfer Existing Detectors SIS100 Beam detectors/LVL1 Trigger Tracking system maintenance: MDCI, MDCII, MDCIII, MDCIV TOF maintenance RPC maintenance RICH maintenance Fwall DAQ maintenance (upgrade) in addition: Straw tubes in the magnet region to improve the tracking capability Forward spectrometer for theta < 20 degrees FWall based on single-crystalline diamond HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012. 12

Thank you ! ... waiting for outcome of discussion HADES at SIS100 Costs – basic version cave infrastructure transport and installation in the new cave Magnet transport and installation  920 kEuro ... waiting for outcome of discussion during the CB meeting today .... Thank you ! HADES Collaboration Meeting XXV, GSI, Darmstadt, 19-22 November 2012.