Background variety in phenotype is due to differences in genetic makeup novel traits are produced randomly by genetic mutation natural selection: “survival of the fittest” selective pressure – environmental factor that leads to differential fitness based on the value of a particular trait biotic or abiotic examples?
Objectives design and carry out a controlled experiment investigate the effect of mutations on the population of rabbits, in the presence of selective pressures
General Procedure Define three factors in an online simulation. For a single scenario, you will pick one of each. Mutations Selection factors Environment brown fur long tail long teeth predators (wolves) food supply (tough shrub is only available food source) equator arctic Design three different scenarios/hypotheses to test.
Mutations – Three to choose from: brown fur (default is white rabbits) long tail (default is short tail) long teeth (default is short teeth) For this lab, only pick one mutation for each scenario. The goal is to determine the effect of that mutation alone, on the success of the rabbit.
Selection Factors – 2 to choose from: wolves – natural predators of rabbits food supply – makes tough shrubbery the only available food source. Note: only long-toothed rabbits can eat these! For this lab, only pick one mutation for each scenario. The goal is to determine the effect of that mutation alone, on the success of the rabbit.
Environment – 2 to choose from: Equator Arctic
For each of the three scenarios, formulate a hypothesis It is hypothesized that (select a rabbit phenotype) rabbits will be (more/ less) likely to survive under (type of selective factor) within the (select type of environment) environment, because..... (explain how their trait will help them to survive or not)
Data Collection Population graph
Experimental Population Experimental Population Control Population Generation number Phenotype: ________________ Total ______________ 3 (beginning) 4 7 10 (final) pause simulation at certain generations and fill in population count
Control Condition need a baseline for comparison want to see the effect of the mutation compare against scenario where there is NO mutation (only one phenotype) keep all other factors (selection factor, environment) the same as your experimental condition
Analysis formal lab report format intro, procedure, results, discussion, conclusion, references write up only one of the three experiments you designed and carried out two important resources: general format for all formal labs specific requirements for this specific lab (on lab sheet)
Additional Notes plan/carry out in groups of 1-2 teacher approval before beginning simulation individual lab report submissions physical copy