“100 Years of Multilateralism in Geneva” celebrations: the Archives at the core and in the lead Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert 45th SIO Meeting, Brussels, 2019
From the League of Nations to the United Nations The instrument forged in Geneva which we transmit to the Organisation of tomorrow (…) will constitute a pledge for the futur. M. Petitpierre, last League Assembly, April 1946
From the League of Nations (1919-1946)…
… to the UN at Geneva (1946-present)
“100 Years of Multilateralism in Geneva” Celebrate the importance of Geneva for multilateralism Multilateral accomplishments and milestones related to Geneva Reinforced ties with Geneva and Swiss authorities Inspire the future through our history and heritage Reflection on the role of the UN and multilateralism Change the narrative on the League of Nations Celebrate the Library and Archives as a surviving part of the League Importance of history and historical research for policy-making
Timeline 24 April 2019 (International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace) To 15 November 2020 (1st League Assembly)
80+ Activities Events: Books and interactive products: Exhibitions: Library Talk Series on the history of multilateralism Conferences Library Birthday Celebrations Books and interactive products: Multilateralism Research Guide Multilateralism Quotes Database Personal experiences and archives platform Artist in Residence «Guerre et Paix» book-catalogue by Gallimard Exhibitions: 100 Years of Multilateral Diplomacy in Geneva - UN Geneva Museum (with Bodmer Foundation) Archival displays alongside other events
Governance and Partnerships Centenary Coordination Committee Secretary: Chief, Archives Management Unit Chair, Senior Level: Director, Library Chair, Working Level: Chief, Institutional Memory Section Centenary Management Team Institutional Memory Section Chief Archives Management Unit Chief 1 Scientific Advisor 1 Librarian 2 Interns UN Partnerships UN Geneva Departments UN New York (ARMS – Audiovisual ) UN Agencies and IOs Geneva Member States Host Country, Canton and City Foundations: Bodmer Fondation pour Genève Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation Academia
Communication and Social Media #Multilateralism100
Questions? centenary@un.org PART 1: BREAK AFTER THIS SLIDE – START DISCUSSION Stefan after