Improving commissioning of mental health services Jabeer Butt
Better commissioning of talking therapies according to local need, engagement with BME communities to ensure the therapies are culturally appropriate Consider how to address the needs of the different Eastern European ethnic groups. NHS England and Department for Health and Social Care to take action for better collation of data on different ethnic groups use of mental health services, to enable specific research to address barriers to accessing services Provide better access to healing systems and therapies including yoga, meditation and complementary therapies Some conclusions about commissioning from the Mental Health and Racial Disparities work
The commissioning cycle – Department of Health model
Independent Mental Health Task Force (2016) The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, NHS England. Finally, we have placed a particular focus on tackling inequalities. Mental health problems disproportionately affect people living in poverty, those who are unemployed and who already face discrimination. For too many, especially black, Asian and minority ethnic people, their first experience of mental health care comes when they are detained under the Mental Health Act, often with police involvement, followed by a long stay in hospital. To truly address this, we have to tackle inequalities at local and national level.
NHS England (2016) Implementing the five year forward view for mental, NHS England In section 4, Adult Mental Health: common mental health problems The objective to maintain and improve quality includes improving recovery rates, addressing geographical variation, improving the availability of choice, and ensuring services are in step with the evidence base. It also means addressing variation in outcomes and access to services for different population groups – including people from black and minority ethnic groups, people with a learning disability, older people, and women in the perinatal period.