Applying for Apprenticeships Guide for individuals and managers May 2017
Overview of apprenticeships What is an Apprenticeship? It includes any vocational on-the job qualification. Examples include apprenticeships and NVQ’s but other qualifications are also included. What is the Apprenticeship Levy? From April, we started paying a percentage of our pay bill towards an apprenticeship levy. This money is available to us via our own digital fund (a bit like a savings account) and the funds can be used to pay for approved vocational training/apprenticeships. Why are they changing? The levy was introduced to put employers at the centre of vocational learning, ensuring that work-based training meets the needs of businesses today. The new frameworks on offer have been designed by employer focus groups across a range of industries, ensuring our people have the skills they need to succeed. What does this mean for me? Apprenticeships provide you with a programme of 'on the job' learning with a recognised qualification. We already have a number of vocational learners and we will be maintaining our commitment to vocational training for employees across the business.
How do they work? The process flow shows what happens during a vocational qualification Induction Assessor visits individual and manager. All sign learning agreement. Supplier to carry out induction to the programme Gather Portfolio Evidence Individual learner to collate evidence for portfolio on and off the job Discuss progress with line manager Manager to provide opportunities to gather evidence Monthly Assessor Visit Assessor arranges visit via location manager/rep Assessor visits to monitor progress with learner Depending on the programme assessor will also provide further activities / tasks to complete Assessor will brief next steps and arrange next visit Individual to share progress with Manager Monthly Progress Report Supplier provides monthly report to HRBP's and Group OD No. on programme Progress / status Successes / issues Quarterly review Assessor/Ind/Mgr Assessor to carry out review with individual and manager to review progress; on track, areas to improve, successes, opportunities to gather evidence on and off the job Combined these make up 20% of off-the-job learning required
Applying for an apprenticeship How do I apply? You need to complete an Expression of Interest – an application form supported by your line manager. You can download the form from The Angle or ask your HRBP. Completed applications are submitted via your HR Business Partner for HR Director sign off. It asks you to think about the benefits of completing a vocational qualification to you, your role and the business. It is important to invest some time completing your application and outline your case clearly. Applications will be reviewed monthly and your HR Business Partner will be in contact to let you know whether it has been successful or not. Don’t forget to complete part 2 of the form with your personal details, so that if your application is successful the provider has all the information they need to complete your application.
Some examples include: What is expected of me? There are a number of things you should consider when you apply. Taking on an apprenticeship is a personal commitment, and you should be prepared to: Demonstrate commitment, engagement and effort Gather portfolio evidence, complete activities and tasks for the qualification Frequently discuss progress with line manager and agree opportunities to spend time on and off the job to gather evidence Be prepared to ask for feedback and act on it Be open minded and show willingness to learn A total of 20% off-the-job training is required to successfully complete a qualification and will be discussed during assessor progress visits. Some examples include: line manager/peer observations, feedback, 121’s with managers or mentors, e-learning, portfolio activities, workshops, assessor tutoring, project work etc. The assessor will provide you with guidance on what activities to complete.
What is expected of me as a manager? Line managers on-going involvement and support is key to the success of vocational qualifications. The role of the manager involves: Being aware of the programme content to discuss with individuals – the assessor will be able to provide you with this information Support individuals to reach 20% off-the-job learning by identifying opportunities to complete tasks/gather evidence on and off the job Add job / business specific content to the learning as appropriate Regularly review progress with individual Meet and discuss progress on a quarterly basis with assessors A total of 20% off-the-job training is required to successfully complete a qualification and will be discussed during assessor progress visits. Some examples include: line manager/peer observations, feedback, 121’s with managers or mentors, e-learning, portfolio activities, workshops, assessor tutoring, project work etc. The assessor will provide you with guidance on what activities to complete.
Apprenticeship FAQ’s Who can apply? Anyone can apply for a qualification. There is a wide range of qualifications available to suit all levels. I have a previous qualification, can I still apply? Yes! The change in apprenticeship process means it is open to anyone regardless of their previous qualifications. How long does apprenticeship take to complete? On average vocational qualifications take 12-18 months to complete depending on the level. It requires you to invest personal time and effort into completing the activities and gathering evidence for the portfolio. Do I have to take any tests? It depends on the level of qualification, some higher level or specialist qualification may include exams. Most NVQ apprenticeships are evidence/work based and do not involve tests. Most providers will check English and Maths level at induction to see if any adjustments or additional support is required. I have a learning disability, what support can I get? The supplier will discuss any support options to help you complete the qualification. This will not impact on your application.