Luleå 170 km south of the Arctic circle Our location Luleå 170 km south of the Arctic circle Arctic Circle Luleå Finland Sweden Norway Denmark
Luleå University of Technology
Luleå University of Technology 46 % Education Facts about Luleå University of Technology Founded 1971 Turnover EUR 180 million 19 200 students 1,670 employees 255 professors 487 teachers & researchers 694 PhD students 70 research subjects in 9 research areas 95 MEUR 75 MEUR 54 % Research Space Main Campus Art&Media Wood Swedish School of Mining and Metallurgy 30,000 people have graduated from LTU, of which 15,000 work in the region
We offer study programmes in.. 2014 We offer study programmes in.. 40 % 6 % 22 % 2 % 4 % 17 % Engineering Health science Music, media and theatre Social and behavioural science School of teaching Interdisciplinary studies 9 %
Education Our 19 200 students study… MSc in engineering 3 468 BSc in engineering 570 Other programmes in engineering 1 227 Business administration, economics and social sciences 2 505 Health sciences 1 380 Music, media and drama 741 Teacher education 833 Interdisciplinary educations 288 Singe subject courses 8 168 19 240 *About 600 exchange students are included in the total number of students
Strong research and innovation areas at LTU Attractive built environment Effective innovation and organisation Future mining Renewable energy Innovative art and technology Sustainable transports Intelligent industrial processes Enabling ICT Smart machines and materials
Prioritized area ”Future mining” Dept. Civil, Environmental & Natural resources, mainly >12 research subjects >20 full professors, ca. 50 senior researchers >70 PhD students, 6–10 dissertations/year Turnover >200 MSEK p.a. 20% of the LTU budget
The ”hard rock-heavy metal” chain at LTU Find and characterize mineralizations and ores Construction, extraction and maintenance Process and refine minerals and metals Remediation, environemental aspects of mining ExplorationGeophysics Ore geology Rock mechanics Rock engineering Mineral processing Process metallurgy Chemistry Applied geology Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Operation and Maintenance Engineering Industrial production environment Sound and Vibration Fluid mechanics Geometallurgy
Research funding from industry 23,1% Anders Henriksson, sept. 2014 Källor: Universitetskanslersämbetets databaser, årsredovisningar
Centres - an excellent way of cooperation Examples: FASTE-laboratory Lean Wood Engineering, LWE Process IT Innovations Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Centre, HLRC SKF University Technology Centre Centre for Automotive System Technologies and Testing, CASTT Centre for High-strength Steel, CHS Centre for Distance-Spanning Technology, CDT Centre for Innovation and eHealth (EIC) Luleå Railway Research Centre, JVTC Centre for Maintenance and Industrial Services, C-MIS Nordic Wood Centre Swedish Gasification Centre Centre for Advanced Mining and Metallurgy, CAMM …
The road to commercialization Within LTU Outside LTU Companies partly owned by LTU Holding Student or employee Business lab and incubator Venture cap Companies LTU Business ABI AB Lunova AB IPR Catch and develop ideas Idea verification Financing IPR support Legal counseling Evaluate business ideas Help with start-up Provide: guidance in good business practices creative office environment business network. Provide seed capital Give business advice Help find business partners
New companies related to LTU, some examples.. In Aurorum Business Incubator: Behaviosec AB (from LTU) Snow Power AB (from LTU) Absilion AB CVK AB (from LTU) Likolo AB D-Flow Technology AB (from LTU) Oricane AB (from LTU) Netix AB (from LTU) Tannak AB ( from LTU) In BusinessLab: E-Secure (from LTU) KYAB (from LTU) 3e Flow (from LTU) Laminat (from LTU) Bill tracking Dwayze – mobile services VTMS – Vehicle Tracking Management System (from LTU) Revitrack (from LTU) Solander SP – bio fuel Exampes of succesful business: - Marratech - sold to Google for 12 MEuro - Nordnav - sold to Cambridge Silicon Radio for 55 MEuro A number of new companies are entering the Business Lab, all from LTU
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