Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) Technical Cooperation Activities
ACTRAV Overall (long-term) objectives of technical cooperation: To promote democratic and free trade unions To promote rights and the interests of workers
WHY Overall (long-term) objectives of technical cooperation: To promote democratic and free trade unions To promote rights and the interests of workers Trade Unions - the building blocks of democracy Trade Unions are training schools for democracy Trade Unions - crucial partners in tripartism
HOW Overall (long-term) objectives of technical cooperation: To promote democratic and free trade unions To promote rights and the interests of workers Capacity building Strengthen unions’ ability to train members and to build strong organisations Policy development Helping the unions to deal with the issues
Capacity building Training Structure enduring structure well-integrated in union structure Strengthening of training capacity training of trainers training materials Strengthening of research and policy developing capacity
Policy Development Helping the unions deal with the issues Training (ACTRAV Turin and in the field) Research Workshops Seminars Projects Advisory Services
Current Issues Globalization Fundamental Workers’ Rights Organising the unorganised Environment New Technology for Trade Unions Women workers Child labour