My schedule is in the teal notebook. Ms. Buckler’s Sub Plans My schedule is in the teal notebook. Breakfast Duty: Open Kindergarten milk and juices. Help them back to class and make sure all kids are out of bathrooms on way back to room. RTI: Has not started yet. Breakfast duty still runs into this time. Kindergarten: Under K Links - STARFALL First Grade: Under 1st grade links on my page choose PBSkids – Allow student to choose Sid the Science kid. Click Games. Then Weather Surprise. Second Grade: Under 2nd Grade Links on my page choose: Wordle: Click Create: Have kids make a word cloud of their favorite characters from their favorite movies and books. Print. Third Grade: Under 3rd Grade Links choose infOHIO. Click Prek-5. BookFlix. Free choose online books. Kindergarten Intervention: There is a folder marked K Intervention with worksheets inside. Pick kids up and meet in Darren Harr’s room. Parent Pick Up: Go to doors by gym with clip board (it has info for which children are picked up)