Physics event timing Use Pythia to generate hadronic decays at 125 GeV


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Presentation transcript:

Physics event timing Use Pythia to generate hadronic decays at 125 GeV Run Geant3 to track gammas and charged hadrons. Score at r=10, 30, and 50 cm and look at time distribution. Assume all particles are produced at T= 0 ns.

Gammas at R=10 cm T (ns) Z (cm) Z (cm) T (ns)

Gammas at R=30 cm T (ns) Z (cm) Z (cm) T (ns)

Gammas at R=50 cm T (ns) Z (cm) Z (cm) T (ns)

Charged hadrons at R=10 cm T (ns) Z (cm) Z (cm) T (ns)

Charged hadrons at R=30 cm T (ns) Z (cm) Z (cm) T (ns)

Charged hadrons at R=50 cm T (ns) Z (cm) Z (cm) T (ns)