The Qin Dynasty 221 B.C.E. Qin Shihuangdi became first emperor Dynasty lasted for 14 years Helped establish centralized rule Much of China was divided into provinces and districts Built infrastructure: Roads, defensive walls, prelude to the Great Wall
Shihuangdi And Censorship Dissenters were executed Ordered the burning of books about philosophy, history, literature Buried 460 scholars alive for criticizing him
Centralizing The Government Laws, currencies, and weights were standardized Previously, they varied region Standardized, common script Increased communication between regions
Shihuangdi’s Tomb 700,000 people helped build the tomb Life-sized terra-cotta army inside his tomb Excavated in 1974
Han Dynasty Laster for 400 years Founded by Liu Bang 206 B.C.E. - 220 C.E. Chang’an: City where emperors ruled Cultural capital of China Defensive wall Empire was split into districts ruled by officials chosen by emperor
Han Wudi 141 - 87 B.C.E. Expanded empire into Korea and Vietnam Spread Confucianism Defeated Xiongnu people - nomadic Introduced the Civil Service Exam Jobs were given based on merit, not connections
Other Aspects Of Han Dynasty Silk Roads Connected China to the Roman Empire and India Invented paper around 100 C.E. Calculated 365.25 days per year
Ban Zhao Chinese historian, scholar Author of Lessons For Women Reinforced Confucianism and Filial Piety Great potential excerpt for a M.C. Question
The Yellow Turban Rebellion & End Of Han Dynasty 184 C.E. Associated with Daoist Societies Rebellion due to issues of land distribution End of Han Dynasty: Conflicts between factions in China
Quick Recap Qin Dynasty: Shihuangdi Centralized Rule Infrastructure Standardized script and measurements Han Dynasty: Defensive Walls around Chang’an Expansion into Korea and Vietnam Civil Service Exam Silk Roads