Graduation Assembly The Class of Dreams
Prom Updates When: May 24th, doors open 5:00, dinner at 6:00 Where: Strathroy Portuguese Club Cost: $55 payable through School cash online; please note tickets are available from April 3rd-12th only! Please print off your receipt and return your Prom forms to room 210 or 205 by Friday, April 12th. Forms can be found online:
Opening Prayer
What is graduation? Graduation is the receiving of a diploma or the ceremony associated with it, in which students move on from secondary school to post-secondary For some, it marks the beginning of adulthood and a new phase of their life For many, it marks a farewell to HCC and a celebration marking their ability to meet the expectations set out by the Ministry of Education For all, it should be a proud and exciting day which you share with your family and friends Welcome Class of 2019
Who is eligible? In order to graduate with an OSSD, you must meet the following criteria: Completed 4 English courses, 3 Math courses, 2 Science courses, History, Geography, French, Civics and Careers, Art, Phys Ed, 40 hours community service, the Literacy requirement (successful completion of the OSSLT or the OLC4O course) and a total of 30 credits
Graduation eligibility continued If you feel like one of the criterion is missing, please see your guidance counsellor to ensure your eligibility Community Service hours must be completed and submitted (with a parental signature if under 18) by June 1st to the main office Opportunities at HCC: March for Life (May 8- 11th), School Production (May 6th-10th), Elgin-Middlesex Cancer Society (April 4th-6th and April 11th-13th), London-Middlesex Children's Water Festival (May 16th)
Where/ When is Graduation? The graduation ceremony takes place in the HCC Cafetorium The ceremony follows Mass on Thursday, June 27th Students are asked to convene in the gymnasium at 6:15 to collect their gown, caps and to line up in processional order Where/ When is Graduation?
How does Graduation take place? There are two parts to the Celebration: Liturgy, Celebration of the Holy Eucharist Grad participation is needed: Readers, Gift Bearers, sibling Altar servers Graduation Ceremony Greetings from Community and School Guests Presentation of Diplomas to Graduates Valedictorian Speech
Fees are due by April 12th. Late fees will apply after this date Costs? This year's grad fee is $75. This money goes towards your grad gown and stole rental, the cap and tassel (your keepsake), the printing costs, the reception, the diploma covers, your ceremony photo, the group ceremony photo, the grad photo sitting fee, the proofs and the class composite A photo of every graduate as they receive their diploma is taken. A group photo will also be taken. These photos will then be sent electronically to the email address as listed on your grad forms. Grad fee is $30 for those not attending the ceremony to cover grad sitting fees, proofs, composite and diploma cover Fees are due by April 12th. Late fees will apply after this date Options for fees include cheque payable to HCC and cash online. Receipt needs to be printed and submitted for cash online If you are concerned about the fee deadline, please speak directly to Ms. Zebregts in guidance
April 12th deadlines for Ms. Zebregts forms and fees. These forms will not be collected by anyone other than Ms. Zebregts! You must have circled your gown size and completed the form in entirety! Valedictorian nomination forms Deadline for correct spelling of name (grad form)
Valedictorian A valedictorian is an individual selected by their classmates to deliver a closing or farewell statement at a graduation ceremony. At HCC, it is role which is voted upon by the graduating class to represent their sentiments at the conclusion of the ceremony
May 13th pre-Prom breakfast Graduation invitations are distributed (4 per graduate) Name check with Mrs. Pinheiro for diploma Voting for valedictorian May 13th pre-Prom breakfast
Academic Awards and scholarship application (see next) June 1st deadlines Community service hours form to Mrs. Pinheiro (must be signed by a parent if under 18 and must meet guidelines on reverse of form) Academic Awards and scholarship application (see next)
Academic Awards Application Academic Awards submitted electronically once available (listen to announcements-usually May 1st) Application will be found on HCC website> Programs and Services> Guidance Teacher reference forms are required and will be available in guidance Teacher reference forms can be submitted directly by the teacher or by the student to Ms. McNally Deadline will be June 1st
June 13th deadline Final school Mass and Grade 12 Retreat All participants are recognized at this mass by the school community Following Mass, a rehearsal of Graduation procession and procedures takes place This date is mandatory so that we can assess our seating arrangements Grade 12 Retreat Guest speaker and reflection in auditorium following grad rehearsal in cafetorium BBQ Lunch (Last years was yummy!)
June 27th- Graduation! Arrive in appropriate dress at HCC by 6:15 Gather in gymnasium Collect gown, stole, caps Line up in procession Proceed into Cafetorium for 7:00 Mass Graduation ceremony follows Mass GROUP PHOTO Reception follows GROUP PHOTO