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Migration and the Caribbean People migrate because of push-pull factors. Push factors make people move away from an area because of difficulties like war or drought. Pull factors draw people to a place because it offers more security and better job opportunities.
Migration Within the Caribbean
Migration Out of the Caribbean The push factors of violence and political instability lead to migration to areas outside of the Caribbean. Pull factors such as better economic opportunities have also lead to migration to these areas.
Let’s popcorn read.. Remittances – pg. 177 1-2 sentences each
Complete Graphic Organizer
Video Quick Write: Caribbean Immigration
Conserving the Rain Forest The rain forests and other natural resources of Central America and the Caribbean are a draw for large numbers of travelers every year. Tourism can damage or even permanently destroy these valuable resources.
Let’s popcorn read.. Rain Forest Habitats – pg. 178 1-2 sentences each
Complete Graphic Organizer on Rain Forest Habitats
Video Quick Write: Costa Rica Ecotourism