Compositional PCA plot of samples (A) and OTU loadings (B) for the initial data set. Compositional PCA plot of samples (A) and OTU loadings (B) for the.


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Presentation transcript:

Compositional PCA plot of samples (A) and OTU loadings (B) for the initial data set. Compositional PCA plot of samples (A) and OTU loadings (B) for the initial data set. Only OTUs that had an absolute effect size difference between any two groups of ≥1 (24) or were compositionally associated with a ρ value of >0.65 (22) (Materials and Methods) are included in these plots. In panel A, each point is a sample and the distance between points is proportional to the multivariate difference between samples. Samples are colored by their age group membership, and the data ellipses encompass 75% of the points in a group (75% confidence interval [CI]). Panel B shows the loadings for panel A in the same coordinate space, which represent the contributions of the OTUs to the separation of the samples. In this plot, each point is an OTU (colored by its assigned taxonomic genus) and the distance and direction from the origin to the point representing an OTU is proportional to the standard deviation of that OTU in the data set. The distance between one OTU and another is inversely proportional to their compositional association: points that are close together may have concordant relative abundances across all samples. In comparing the two plots, we see, for example, that the 19- to 24-year-old age group (lower right quadrant in panel A) has a higher relative representation of Bacteroides (lower right quadrant in panel B). The ability to directly interpret the plot is limited by the proportion of variance explained (37.4% on the first component and 9.2% on the second component). Gaorui Bian et al. mSphere 2017; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00327-17