How to use this template? Use this template and don’t add slides or reorder them (or if you prefer Presenter/Latex, copy each slide over) Try to answer all points in the slides! Make sure that graphs are readable! You can copy them from the report if they fit well, but I suggest recreating them here. Don’t spend more than 1-1.5 minute on any of the slides when presenting! Before submitting, remove this slide from the presentation.
Performance Analysis and Modeling of Software Systems, Fall 2018 Project Presentation Performance Analysis and Modeling of Software Systems, Fall 2018 YOUR NAME
Implementation Describe shortly how you implemented the HTML cleaning
Implementation 2 Describe shortly how you implemented multi-threading
System Stability State the default experiment length and replication factor Show an example graph with throughput over time (at least 1 minute) that motivates how you chose the warm-up and cool-down times
Baselines Show throughput with increasing number of clients for the following three variants of the system (on a single graph): 1) default skeleton 2) single-threaded server with HTML tag cleaning 3) multi-threaded server with tag cleaning. Highlight the place where system becomes saturated in each case
Effect of Document Size Show graph of internal costs of the server given different document sizes (plot time per document, include at least two different costs) State which operation is your bottleneck in reaching higher performance and give a short argument why
Conclusion Elaborate shortly on What did you learn about the system through experiments? What new skill did you learn while working on the project? What was the most difficult aspect of the project?