GOOD Jonathan cant be an experienced dentist. His hands are shaking now. were a good dentist, If Jonathan his hands wouldnt be shaking now.
HAVE I made an appointment with the dentist before. Thats why I dont have to sit like the others and wait for him. would have to sit If I hadnt made an appointment, I and wait like the others.
NOT I hate my landlord, so I recommended him my dentist. would not have recommended If I didnt hate my landlord, I him my dentist.
PAY Some people may not look after their teeth well when they are young. They pay a lot of money to the dentist later. pay more pay more If you dont protect your teeth enough at a younger age, you to the dentist later.
I kept shrieking all the time because my dentist didnt give me an injection. the dentist had given I wouldnt have kept shrieking if me an injection. GIVEN
HAVE I didnt brush my teeth regularly when I was a child. I have to go to the dentist frequently now. wouldnt wouldnt have to go If I had brushed my teeth regularly in my childhood, I to the dentist on a regular basis.
Mum may take me to the dentist again. Then, my revenge will be sending her to a rest home when I grow up. will send her to a If mum takes me to the dentist again, I swear I rest home when I grow up. SEND
DRILLING The patient is shrieking in terror because an intern dentist is drilling his tooth. was drilling his tooth. was drilling his tooth. The patient wouldnt be screaming in terror if a specialist INTERN; A doctor who has almost finished training and is working in a hospital to gain experience
Because my dentist is a very good one, he is very expensive. wouldnt be so expensive. If my dentist wasnt such a good one, he SO
NOT This dentist is relatively cheaper because, this is no secret, he cooks the books. did not cook the books. did not cook the books. It is an open secret that his price wouldnt be smaller if he COOK THE BOOKS; to illegally change the financial records in order to pay a smaller tax fee
Because the dentist damaged his customers jaw beyond repair, his customer filed a lawsuit against him. would not have filed If the dentist hadnt screwed the patients jaw up, he a lawsuit. NOT
Dont delay going to the dentist because this only increases the price you will pay. you postpone going You only increase the cost of the treatment if to the dentist. POSTPONE
Dentists are dreaded by children, for dental surgery is painful. dental surgery were painless. Children wouldnt dread dentists if PAINLESS FOR; introduces the cause for something (because) DREAD; to fear about something that might happen
I am scared of all dentists, so I didnt have my teeth checked earlier. would have had my teeth If I werent scared of dentists, I checked earlier. HAVE
The later you go to the dentist, the greater the pain is. suffer more pain. If you go to the dentist late, you MORE
NOT The dentist was able to do a root canal operation only after he bound his patient on the chair. had not bound the patient The dentist wouldnt have been able to do a root canal if he on a chair.
The dentist had lied to the little girl about the pain, so she stabbed the syringe on his back. would not have stabbed him If the dentist hadnt lied to her about the pain, the girl with an injector. NOT SYRINGE; a tool for drawing blood from someones body
Dentists take pleasure in inflicting pain on people. Thats why, they bear such a bloody job. otherwise they wouldnt stand Dentists love causing pain to people, doing such a gory job. OTHERWISE GORY; soaked in blood
The dentist had robbed his patient of a fortune, so the embittered man pulled out his teeth. would not have pulled If the dentist hadnt taken a lot of money from him, the patient out his teeth. NOT EMBITTERED; hateful because of bad or unfair things that have happened to you
TREATING Can you imagine being at the mercy of a blind and deaf dentist? were treating you? What would you do if a blind and deaf dentist