Graduation Requirements Update
Discussion Items Class of 2019 Update Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for High School Graduation Requirements
Class of 2019 Update
Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for Graduation Requirements
Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for Graduation Requirements Committee consists of 25 members and includes superintendents, principals, school counselors, career-technical directors, pupil service coordinators, legislators, State Board of Education members, and Educational Service Center representatives from across Ohio. Committee met throughout the summer to discuss graduation requirements for future cohorts
Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for Graduation Requirements Drafted a draft graduation recommendation “framing” document which includes guiding principals, policy tensions, and key themes Developed a proposed approach to high school graduation Discussed Implementation Considerations Discussed Transition Period
Advisory Committee – Recommendation Design Principles Recognize the individual needs, differences, and interests of students Reflect a balance of academic content and other skills Accommodate multiple methods of demonstration of knowledge and skills Adequately prepare students for transition to their chosen post-school path Policy Tensions Personalization vs. Standardization Simple vs. Complex Academic Content Knowledge vs. Non-Academic Skills Identify Graduation Pathway Early vs. Later in High School State Direction vs. Local Flexibility Key Themes Equivalent Pathways Promoting Student Interests and Passions Student responsibility and motivation Strengthening the High School Experience Design Principles: Recognize the individual needs, differences, and interests of every student Be neutral to a student’s circumstances (school, district, part of the state, socio-economic circumstances, race/ethnicity, etc.) Recognize that every student can be successful when provided opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and competencies Reflect a balance of academic content knowledge and other skills known to be important, based on challenging expectations for learning and content and skills mastery necessary for future success Accommodate multiple methods of demonstrating the acquisition of knowledge and skills by students and accept that the mix of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to demonstrate post-high school readiness may be unique for each student (as aligned to a student’s passion and aspirations) Allow a student to take an active role in developing the plan for graduation and carrying it out Motivate students to be thoughtful about their post-high school plan throughout all high school years Be, to the extent possible, easily explained and easy to administer Be, to the extent possible, fairly and consistently measured across the state Policy Tensions: Personalization vs. Standardization Simple vs. Complex Academic Content Knowledge vs. Non-Academic Skills Identify Graduation Pathway Early vs. Later in High School State Direction vs. Local Flexibility Key Themes: Equivalent Pathway(s) Promoting Student Interests and passions Student responsibility and motivation Strengthen the high school experience
Advisory Committee – Proposed Graduation Plan The proposed approach includes multiple methods for students to demonstrate what they know and can do – including both test and non-test options in five areas. Show What You Know plan would require students to demonstrate competency in English, Math and Technology knowledge and skills through various options including traditional tests, classes, grades, experiences, existing high school programming and other demonstrations of learning. Students would also have the opportunity to similarly demonstrate competency in well-rounded content using similar option or through a Culminating Student Experience which would allow a student to focus on particular passions and aspirations and make connections among ideas and concepts. The plan also promotes a student’s cultivation and demonstration of leadership and reasoning skills, including but not limited to those on the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal, and social-emotional learning skills.
Advisory Committee – Proposed Graduation Plan Performance on State Tests; Other Assessments GPA in ELA courses; College Credit Plus English Writing Demonstration for Culminating Student Experience Online State ELA Course Completion English Language Arts (satisfy one) GPA in Math Courses; College Credit Plus Math Mathematics Demonstration for Culminating Student Experience State Math Course Completion Mathematics The student must successfully demonstrate use of technology during high school. Technology
Advisory Committee – Proposed Graduation Plan Performance on State Tests; Other Assessments Cumulative GPA (subject area) and College Credit Plus Earn Industry-recognized credentials; Seal of Biliteracy Portfolio of work in an area of focus Culminating Student Experience with Presentation Well-rounded Content (satisfy two) OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal Completion Extracurricular Service Completion Leadership/Reasoning and Social-Emotional Development (requirements are locally determined)
Advisory Committee – Proposed Graduation Plan Culminating Student Experience The Culminating Student Experience is a project or set of activities and experiences to be completed by a student that would allow the student to demonstrate a collection of knowledge and skills that affirm a student’s readiness for post-high school success. The Experience could include in-school and out of school activities.
Advisory Committee – Proposed Graduation Plan Culminating Student Experience The Culminating Student Experience could include any meaningful collection of activities and experiences which may include but are not limited to: Major Research or Portfolio Project Community Service Project/Experience Work-based Learning Experience Completion of a Career-Technical Program and passing respective WebExams Completion of a set of College Credit Plus courses
Advisory Committee – Proposed Graduation Plan Culminating Student Experience The experience could include demonstrations of mathematical competency, writing and research skills, and technology use to satisfy the Math, ELA or Technology requirements.
Proposed Graduation Plan – Implementation and Transition Considerations Will require legislative change May require significant changes to existing district programming Require state designed rubrics, resources and tools to support districts
Proposed Graduation Plan – Implementation and Transition Considerations The committee supports the continuation of alternative graduation requirements similar to those adopted for the Class of 2018 during the transition to new requirements. The committee strongly recommends this plan first apply to an incoming class of freshman at such time as all the various components and rubrics are completed, and sufficient professional development has been made available.
Possible Timeline for Board Action State Superintendent makes recommendations to the Committee in Oct. 2018 Possible Committee vote on recommendations in Oct. 2018 Possible Full State Board vote on recommendations in Nov. 2018
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