FACT regulates neurogenesis through Pol II/nucleosome dynamics. FACT regulates neurogenesis through Pol II/nucleosome dynamics. (A) MA plot depicting differential expression in NPCs versus WT ES cells. Up-regulated genes are highlighted in blue, whereas down-regulated genes are highlighted in red. (B) Venn diagram showing the overlap of up-regulated genes between NPC versus mESCs and control versus Ssrp1 KD mESCs. (C) Interrogation of nucleosome occupancy (MNase-seq), chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq), and transcriptional activity (NET-seq/RNA-seq) over the Tubb3 gene promoter for control and Ssrp1 KD conditions. Changes in nucleosome occupancy, chromatin accessibility, and Pol II occupancy are highlighted in yellow. (D) Immunofluorescence analysis of early-stage NPCs following Ssrp1 depletion: (blue) DAPI, nuclei; (green) β3-tubulin (Tubb3), neurons; and (red) MAP2, dendrites. Scale is 20 μm. Constantine Mylonas, and Peter Tessarz LSA 2018;1:e201800085 © 2018 Tessarz and Mylonas