Aims of today To get an insight into how Maths is taught at Smallberry Green. To take away some ideas to support your children at home. To work with teachers and take part in a variety of maths activities.
Purpose of Mathematics Important aspect of everyday life Already in children’s lives – time, money Necessary for future life Equips children with the tools to understand and change the world Crosses cultural boundaries Stimulates creative thinking and included in lots of areas of learning Gives wonder and pleasure when a problem is solved
Mathematical Vocabulary Children need to: Use the correct vocabulary, symbols and language e.g one more, add, is equal to, zero, altogether, more, fewer Communicate ideas in pictures, writing, symbols and verbally Explain methods and give reasons. Celebrate a variety of strategies.
Good Practice in Maths Children need the ability to estimate. Mental calculation skills are vital. Children need the ability to estimate. All children need to learn maths in a real life context and apply their maths to different problems. Children need to be able to explain how they have calculated something using a method that suits them. If they can’t explain it, they don’t fully understand it Written calculations, are taught but when children are ready.
Number 30-50 Months • Uses some number names and number language spontaneously. • Uses some number names accurately in play. • Recites numbers in order to 10. • Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set. • Beginning to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper or pictures. • Sometimes matches numeral and quantity correctly. • Shows curiosity about numbers by offering comments or asking questions. • Compares two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number. • Shows an interest in number problems. • Separates a group of three or four objects in different ways, beginning to recognise that the total is still the same. • Shows an interest in numerals in the environment. • Shows an interest in representing numbers. • Realises not only objects, but anything can be counted, including steps, claps or jumps.
Number Early Learning Goal Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
Number Exceeding Children estimate a number of objects and check quantities by counting up to 20. They solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups.
How do we teach it? Visual resources e.g numicon, cubes, number line, fingers Practical Real life context Songs Stories Fun!
Number recognition
Ordering Numbers
Addition & Subtraction How many more do we need? How many altogether? How many are left? Which has group has more/fewer?
Helping your child at home We have made a leaflet that you can take home with suggestions for how you can help your child at home.
Useful Websites