Final Term Project Using Web-GIS to enhance the discoverability of Mid-century Modern Architecture in State College, Pennsylvania There are many examples of mid-century arch in state college. I explore the reasons why this is, what issues are putting many at risk, and this project will attempt to increase their discoverability and perhaps by default preserve their legacy. Unique over 100 examples within a few square miles Approaching 7 decades in age Residential and commercial Some have already been lost Albert Rozo GEOG 585 Spring 2019
Mid-century Modern Architecture In State College, PA in the late 1930’s through 1960s’
Architects and Professors Kenneth Heidrich Phillip Hallock William Hajjar Starting their architecture careers studying the work of the pioneers. Their interpretations and creation of mid-century modern style Can be inspiration for newer designers, builders, architects Boucher House - 1956 Skavlem House – 1955 Condee House - 1956
Data Collection and Processing Thematic layers Data collected from various sources Generated ESRI Shapefiles Command line OSGeo4w GDAL org2org – reprojections Increased funding Changes from College to University 1953 Increased student body Need for more faculty
Data Collection and Processing Thematic layers QGIS layers Parcels
Data Collection and Processing Base map generated with Tillmill PASDA datasets Municipalities Streams Local & State Roads Building outlines Local Parks Parcels Customized Styles and Labeling Unlike Uof Michigan, Uof Wisconisn, Uof Texas, No town her
References Mid-century Modern Architecture - and Hallock’s (Mostly) Hidden Houses - Hajjar Heritage - Heidrich: The Quiet “H” - OSGeo4W - OGR Utilities - TileMill - ColorBrewer: color advice for cartography. , Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and Penn State University ESRI Shapefile - QGIS - PASDA - Open Street Map - StoryMapJA, Knight Lab, McCormick School of Engineering & Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University: Quinn, S. (n.d.). GEOG 585: Open Web Mapping. From John A. Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University:
Thank You Walker House – 1952 Hallock The Walker House Eric and Josephine Walker 777 West Park Avenue 1952 Hallock Walker House – 1952 Hallock