Santa Claus is Coming to Town Katherine Asklund
Grace Aubry
Tucker Bass
Noah Blue
Elena Brown
Ellie Czys What was that?
Hans Dee
Madelyn Evangelisti
Liam Ferreira
Nicholas Fruehling I got what I wanted
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Ho HO HO HO James Haken
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Evan Jordan
Katelyn Kaefring
Matthew Morgan
Mikayla Murphy
Connor OMahoney
WOW!! Olivia Petersen
Claire Pollard Merry Christmas
Diarmuid Reilly
White Christmas Isabella Schmitt
Arielle Summitt
Anna Vinton
Henry Washburn
Jingle Bells Jacob Arie
Alec Blomberg All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth I hope He doesnt Hit My Teeth
All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth Emma Blomberg Santa?
Ellie Breen Birthday Party At Farmer Greys Be there or Be square
Kassie Brookins
Over the River and Through the Woods Paul Bubon
Matt Cain
Morgan Cinnamon
Libby Cultra So many gifts!! Here you go!
Maggie Flanagin
Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer Zak Hartleb Daily News Santa On The Naughty List! Our very own Santa Claus is in the slammer. He was delivering presents when he looses control of his Reindeer.He was arrested because he ran over a helpless granny who was walking home from her Grandsons.The only evidence found of her is her fruit cake. Zak Hartleb
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Nathan Hayek Tell me what youll give to me, tell me if you can.
Marguerite Hendrickson
Noah Herr
Abbey Horn
Emma Jackson Worst Day Ever!
U p on the Housetop Juliana Jimenez Ho ho ho kid You should be Sleeping!!!! I woke up To see My gifts!!!
Michael Lee Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Will Lindgren
Becca Madden pop Becca Madden
Jennifer Robinson
Frosty the Snowman Jake Sellett
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Dylan T. Santas Workshop
Delaney Tressler
Matt Tyner snowball
Lizzie Yonce