Common Core Standards: RL.9-10.1, RL 9-10.3, RL9-10.4, RL 9-10.5 Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 Aim: How can we analyze Act III, Scene I (the climax) in Romeo and Juliet? Objective: Students will be able to recognize Act III, Scene I as the turning point or climax of Romeo and Juliet. Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.)What can make you want to fight someone? Why would this make you want to fight? 2.) Have you ever had to choose between two people you love? What was it like? How did you choose?
Common Core Standards: RL.9-10.1, RL 9-10.3, RL9-10.4, RL 9-10.5 Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 Aim: How can we analyze Act III, Scene I (the climax) in Romeo and Juliet? Objective: Students will be able to recognize Act III, Scene I as the turning point or climax of Romeo and Juliet. Agenda 1.) Do Now: Answer the question, turn and talk with your tablemates. Captains will prepare to share with the class. 2.) Discuss/Share: Captains will share Do Now with the class 3.)Mini-Lesson: We will begin reading Act III, Scene I today, which is a turning point in our play. Together we’ll stop to analyze any passages, answer questions, and check for understanding. 4.) Reflection: Which question or topic discussed today was most interesting to you? Why?
Why Can’t We Be Friends? What did we discuss yesterday concerning the initial feelings towards the scene? We saw the picture from Act III, Scene I in the movie and agreed that the scene feels like it will bring about some violence and fighting because of what we see and what Benvolio says. Tybalt enters the scene looking for Romeo, who we know he wants to fight, and Mercutio starts to argue with Tybalt. Romeo enters the scene and that’s where we left off. Do we think Romeo is going to fight Tybalt now? If you say yes, what do you think Juliet would think if her husband and cousin are fighting?
Let’s Not Fight Romeo enters the scene and Tybalt again calls him a villain. We know that Tybalt felt disrespected after Romeo showed up to the Capulet party uninvited. Tybalt’s pride and honor were hurt. Romeo tries to calm Tybalt down by explaining to him that he doesn’t have any reason to hate Tybalt. He says something along the lines of “You don’t know who I am”. What does Romeo mean by this? Rome tries to explain to Tybalt as best he can without revealing too much that he doesn’t want to fight him. He loves the Capulet name like his own. We know why (dramatic irony). Clearly he doesn’t want to fight Tybalt for Juliet’s sake. ’While Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt, who stands up for him and wants to fight Tybalt in his place?
Mercutio Versus Tybalt Mercutio, angered by the fact that Romeo doesn’t stand up for himself, jumps in, states that he wants to take one of the “nine lives” the King of Cats has (aka Tybalt) and the two proceed to fight. What would Prince Escalus say? Romeo tries his best to stop the fighting from getting worse, but he is unsuccessful. Tybalt manages to stab Mercutio while Romeo tries to break up the fighting, wounding the hot-headed Mercutio. There is the first death of tragedy! Mercutio seemingly brushes the injury off, but it might be pretty serious. Mercutio curses both families by saying. “A plague o' both your houses.” He also might blame Romeo for his death. “I was hurt under your arm.” Benvolio exits with Mercutio and tries to get him some assistance that he so desperately needs! When he comes back he tells Romeo what?
You gonna be okay, Mercutio? How does Romeo react to the fight breaking out between Tybalt and Mercutio? How does he react to how he handles the issue? He blames Juliet for making him“effeminate” (like a woman, regarded as weak) and that because of this he wasn’t brave enough to help Mercutio was defending Romeo’s honor. Benvolio comes back into the scene to tell us that the wound that Mercutio suffered was fatal and he has died! What would Prince Escalus do now? While we wait to find that out, Romeo reacts a little differently now that his friend has been killed. “This but begins the woe others must end.” WOW. That sounds dark. What might Romeo do now? Write a prediction in your notebook! Tybalt comes back, Romeo is mad at himself for failing to help his friend, and now we’ve reached our story’s climax! Everything is going down.
Romeo versus Mercutio The death of Mercutio has obviously affected Romeo and now he is blinded by rage, forgotten the Prince’s warning, and has chosen to fight Tybalt. The two fight and Romeo manages to slay Tybalt, so his revenge is complete. What does Benvolio immediately remind Romeo of? “The citizens are watching, they saw all of what just happened! Don’t stand there, you have to get out of here!” Benvolio has to remind Romeo of what he just did and that he cannot get caught so Romeo exits! The citizens enter the scene and come asking for the person who murdered Mercutio, did they not see the fight between Romeo and Tybalt? The Prince and the heads of both families enter the scene and need some explanations as to what happened. Benvolio begins to explain to them what happened.
The Consequences Lady Capulet doesn’t believe Benvolio when he starts to explain the events. What reason does she have to doubt Benvolio? In those days a relative was often referred to as a "kinsman." Prince Escalus calls who his kinsman? This just comes to show that the fighting has affected not just the Capulets and Montagues, but everyone in Verona! The Prince then tells us the course of action that he plans on taking. He says what? Romeo’s side argues that he was simply handing out justice by killing the person who killed Mercutio and for that reason Romeo shouldn’t be killed. Romeo should be killed for this, but he won’t. Instead Romeo is to be exiled from Verona for his actions. The Prince is hurt by the fact that his own relative has died as a result of the feud. He tells Romeo’s family that they are to inform him that he needs to leave the city, and if he doesn’t and is caught in Verona he will be killed! Things aren’t looking too good for Romeo. .
Reflection! Romeo has run away from the scene of the crime, and the Prince arrived and told us what he’s doing about yet another Capulet and Montague fight. Romeo is in trouble since we know he has one big reason to stay in Verona. What do we think might happen to Romeo now? Where do you think he ran off to? Who might he go to for help at a time like this? Make some predictions about what you think might happen next.