Empa, Air Pollution/Environmental Technologies Parallel measurements of PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and particle number concentrations in Switzerland Robert Gehrig Empa, Air Pollution/Environmental Technologies CH-8600 Dübendorf
Content Relevance of different parameters Comparison PM10, PM2.5, PM1 Particle number concentrations
PM10 and PM2.5 Health related information Thoracic fraction (PM10) Alveolar fraction (PM2.5) Coarse fraction (PM10-2.5)
Typical urban aerosol (EPA 1982) 0.1 1 10 diameter (mm)
PM10 and PM1 Source related information Combustion particles and secondary aerosols (PM1) Crustal and mechanically produced particles (PM10-PM1)
NABEL sites with collocated measurements
Chaumont Bern Payerne Zürich
PM10 PM2.5 PM1 PM: annual means 1998 - 2005
Seasonal trends of PM10 and PM2.5 Monthly means 1998-2005
Seasonal trends of PM10 and PM1 Monthly means 1998-2005
PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 (mean concentrations 2003-2005)
Average daily ratios PM2.5/PM10 PM1/PM10 Basel (suburban) 0.76 0.60 Lugano (urban) 0.74 0.59 Zürich (urban) 0.75 Payerne (rural) 0.75 Chaumont (rural, 1100 m asl) 0.75 0.63 Härkingen (motorway) 0.59 Bern (street canyon) 0.61 0.49
Frequency distribution of the daily ratios PM2.5/PM10
Long-term trends of PM2.5/PM10-ratios (1998-2005)
Correlation r2 of the parallel PM10- and PM2 Correlation r2 of the parallel PM10- and PM2.5- measurements (daily values 1998-2005) Basel (suburban) 0.94 Lugano (urban) 0.94 Zürich (urban)*) 0.95 Payerne (rural) 0.94 Bern (street canyon) 0.86 Chaumont (rural, 1100 m asl) 0.85 *) 1998-2002 only
PM und meteorology (daily values) Zürich 400 m Jura 700-1000 m Basel 250 m 70 km
PM und meteorology (daily values) Zürich 400 m Alpen 2500-3500 m Lugano 200 m 150 km
PM und meteorology (daily values) Payerne 500 m Chaumont 1100 m 20 km
Particle numbers Dominated by fresh combustion particles (Ultrafine particles < 100 nm) Not covered by particle mass measurements (Mass of one 10µm-particle = 109 10nm particles) Specific health effects possible
Particle number concentrations (annual mean 2005)
Residence time of particles in the atmosphere (Jaenicke 1982) Residence time of the aerosol near ground 1 week scavenging 1 day 1 hour residence time (s) diffusion/coagulation n sedimentation 1 minute 1 second aerodynamic diameter (µm)
Härkingen (motorway) Influence of wind direction PM1 NO PM10 NO2 particle numbers (part/cm3) PM10 and PM1 (µg/m3) nitrogen oxides (ppm)
Typical particle size distribution at Härkingen
Particle numbers vs. PM10-concentrations
Fine particles in January 2006 (Härkingen)
Fine particles in January 2006 (Härkingen)
Fine particles in January 2006 (Härkingen)
Conclusions PM2.5: Health related sampling (long term effects) PM10-PM2.5: Health related sampling (short term effects) PM1: Combustion aerosols, secondary aerosols PM10-PM1: Crustal and mechanically produced particles Particle numbers: Ultrafine particles PM measurements often highly correlated and homogeneously distributed over large areas Particle number concentrations low correlation with PM, high spacial variability
Weekly cycle of particle number concentrations Partikelanzahl Verkehr