Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Journal: Copy down the following sentences. CIRCLE the verb(s) in each one. Jeanne ran happily up to her cousin. (action) Elvis appeared on the TV screen suddenly. (action) The warthog seemed very annoyed at being roused from sleep. (linking) Marcus was very interested in going to the concert. (linking)
Housekeeping & Clarification Posted Tri 2 Grades on Bulletin Board Technical Guides: Everyone from the initial progress report received 2.5 points back for audience and intro. Everyone who turned theirs in more recently didn’t get the points taken off to begin with. Due Date Change: Study Guide NOW Due FRIDAY Class notes are available on my website ( Midterm Date Change Studying as class Tuesday, Jan 22 Taking Midterm Wednesday, Jan 23
Review Irony Verbal? Situational? Dramatic? When a traffic cop gets his license suspended for unpaid parking tickets. (S) When you know the movie character will meet the killer if they walk through the door. (D) When it is raining outside, and someone says "Oh! What a beautiful day!" (V)
Review: Action vs. Linking Verbs Verbs = show action or state of being Jenny RAN to the side. She WAS an actress. Action Verbs = shows action Jenny SLAPPED him. Linking Verbs = links subject to something in rest of the sentence; typically describes Jenny APPEARED angry. Jenny WAS angry.
Satire Satire: A literary work that makes a point about humanity by using literary devices like irony. An Example: iPhone 5 Video: How is this satire? Of what is it making fun?
Political Cartoons One of the most widely used forms of propaganda (misleading information used to support political stance) during wartime. Use tone, mood, satire, & irony Caricature: when something is represented using an image with exaggerated features