Spring Conference-2019 >Student Name<
Introductions Purpose- >Explain the purpose of today’s conference<
Current Grades & Credit Check/Graduation Progress >insert a link to Skyward<
Best Works & Academic Goals >insert link to best work or actually show best work hard copy< Review of Academic Goals
Course Request for Next Year >Discuss and show course requests<
Career & College Content Xello Career Matchmaker >Post-Secondary Goals< Potential post-secondary schools/training >List the schools/training programs here<
Personal, Social, & Civic Content Xello? Personality type Strengths: Weaknesses: Personal /Civic Goal: Clubs/Activity Involvement: Or Plans to be involved in...
Xello Assignments >Go over the assignments; explain them to parents?<
Any questions? >Answer any questions and thank parents and advisor for taking the time to attend.<