Principle Ratings and Comments Table 5. Key principles for providing health services to individuals with ASD Principle Ratings and Comments 1 Accountability Services are answerable to service users, their families/ carers and the wider public 2 Accessibility ASD diagnostic assessments are accessible in a timely manner 3 Care coordination A named healthcare professional will assist service users/ parents/ carers in navigating the healthcare system to meet their stated needs 4 Communication Services will communicate in a timely manner with service users/ parents/ carers 5 Early intervention Early intervention is facilitated by competent primary healthcare professionals recognising early ASD signs; and timely access to interventions of varying intensity 6 Efficient use of resources Services will make every effort to efficiently use their finite resources by providing the minimum intensity assessment required to reach the threshold for deciding whether ASD is absent or present 7 Equity of access Services will provide equitable access to timely ASD diagnostic assessments by providing the minimum intensity assessment required so that those who are wait-listed are seen more quickly 8 Evidence- and practice- based Both evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence1 will underpin ASD assessment and intervention 9 Person centred Services will ensure the service user and families are at the forefront of involvement and decision making concerning their care and intervention planning 10 Supported decision making Senior managers support clinical decision making by trained and competent front-line clinicians 11 Tiered assessment Individuals are assessed using the least diagnostic process necessary, beginning with a low-intensity Preliminary Team assessment but, if required, progressing onto a higher intensity Tier #2 or Tier #3 diagnostic assessment dependent on presentation complications and clinician competence 12 Working together Team members work in an inter-disciplinary manner Different agencies work together to meet the needs of service users and their carers in a more holistic manner 1 For example, evidence-based practice in psychology is the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture and preferences (American Psychological Association, 2006, p273).