Math Course Registration 2019-2020
HHS Grad Requirements - Math 3 credits of math, including: 1.0 credit of Algebra 1 1.0 credit of Geometry 1.0 credit of Algebra 2 or Alternative
Graduation Requirement – Math Exam Students must pass the SBAC Math exam with a score of 2595 or higher Seniors that haven’t met standard on the math exam will take the Bridge to College Mathematics course which will meet this requirement as long as the student passes the course. Students on an IEP for math may meet this requirement as defined by their IEP
Post-High School Considerations Students planning to continue their education at a community college or 4-year university need to take Algebra 2 or they will likely test into remedial math courses Students planning to go straight to a 4-year college need to take a quantitative math course during their senior year. This could be any math course, physics or chemistry
HHS Math Paths Algebra 1 Geometry Bridge to College Math Algebra 2 CWU Math Pre-calculus Calculus Math Lab These courses are designed to help students that struggle with math. They are taken in addition to Algebra 1 or Geometry. Students will be placed based on their SBAC or STAR scores.
Course Descriptions ALGEBRA 1 (MAT101 & MAT 102) YEAR/ 1.0 credit This is the first in the series of three math classes required for entrance to a four-year college (Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2). The student will learn how to solve equations and inequalities and how to put word problems into equations. (See how easy it is to solve word problems with Algebra!!) The student will also review basic arithmetic operations, master basic geometry and measurement, study probability and statistics and have an in-depth study of percent with its applications to the consumer world. (These are all math strands important for success on the math SBAC) GEOMETRY (MAT201 & MAT202) YEAR/ 1.0 credit This course involves the study of plane geometric figures and their applications. The student will develop an understanding of the relationships hat exist between the basic geometric forms of points, lines, planes, polygons, solids, triangles and circles. An introduction to logical thinking with an emphasis on proof writing, will be included. The students will be introduced to probability and basic trigonometry. ALGEBRA 2 (MAT301 & MAT302) YEAR/ 1.0 credit This course is the last of three required courses (though Pre-Calculus is highly recommended) for admittance into most four-year colleges. The course includes the study of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities along with their graphs and applications. Also included in the course is an introduction to relations and functions, a study of matrices, factoring of polynomials, operations with radicals and exponents, and an introduction to basic trigonometry.
Course Descriptions, continued… MATH LAB (MAT075 & MAT076) YEAR/ 1.0 credit This course follows the concepts of Algebra 1 or Geometry. The course will provide support structure for struggling students to achieve success in their math courses. It will strive to accomplish this by providing further explanation, extra practice and review of previously learned concepts, as well as previews of upcoming material. This course will also offer preparation and practice for the Washington State Smarter Balance Exam. Students must be concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1. Please note this course will count as an elective credit and cannot be used as a math credit. Students will be placed in this course based on their SBAC and STAR scores. BRIDGE TO COLLEGE MATHEMATICS (MAT110 & MAT111) YEAR/ 1.0 credit The course curriculum emphasizes modeling with mathematics and the Standards for Mathematical Practice found within Washington K-12 Mathematics Learning Standards. Topics include building and interpreting functions (linear, quadratic & exponential), writing, solving and reasoning with equations and inequalities, and summarizing, representing and interpreting data. The course is designed to focus on building conceptual understand, reasoning and mathematical skills and provides students engaging mathematics that builds flexible thinking and a growth mindset. For seniors who are successful in this course (B or better), the Bridge to College Mathematics course offers guaranteed placement into a college-level course when entering college directly after high school. Successful completion of this course will meet the mathematics state testing requirement for graduation.
Course Descriptions – College Courses MATH IN THE MODERN WORLD (MAT101) SEMESTER/ 1.0 credit (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in Algebra 2 in order to take it for college credit). Selected topics from the historical development and applications of mathematics together with their relationship to the development of our present society. Students may take this course as an alternative to Algebra 2. FINITE MATH (MAT130) SEMESTER/ 1.0 credit (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in Algebra 2 in order to take it for college credit). This course examines particular topics in Probability and Statistics, such as regression or hierarchical linear modeling, rather than provide a general overview. The language of sets, counting procedures, introductory probability, and decision making, introductory descriptive statistics. Students may take this course as an alternative to Algebra 2. PRE CALCULUS (MAT153 & MAT154) YEAR/ 2.0 credit Part 1 - Central Washington University Cornerstone Class for Juniors or Seniors who have scored a 17 or higher on the Mathematics Placement Test at Central Washington University. Students receive CWU credit (5 credits per class) in addition to the high school math credit Students who do not meet the placement test requirements that would like to take the classes solely for high school credit have that option. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in both Algebra 2 and Geometry. CALCULUS (MAT172 & 173) YEAR/ 2.0 credit Part 1 - Central Washington University Cornerstone Class (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of B- in Pre-Calculus.) This course is an introductory college-level calculus class. Students will study functions, limits, differentiation and integration along with their applications. Use of a TI-83 Plus graphing calculator is a part of this Cornerstone Calculus exam.
College in the High School Students have the opportunity to earn college credits from Central Washington University Cost: $55/credit Students that are eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch can apply to have 5 credits paid for by a grant