Workshop One
Five workshops Workshop One – The Man Code Workshop Two – Unmasking Masculinity Workshop Three – Friends Matter Workshop Four – Boy’s Don’t Cry Workshop Five – My Networks of Supports
Learning outcomes Understand what a stereotypes is Understand how gender stereotypes can shape our feelings and behaviour Understand the negative consequences of gender stereotypes
Group agreement Respect what others say Be open and honest Keep it confidential Keep judgmental comments to yourself Join in It’s okay to disagree with each other It’s okay to leave the room
Paired discussion What’s good about being a man? What’s not so good about being a man?
Paired discussion What is a stereotype?
Thinking about stereotypes An overly simplified way of thinking about groups of people or individuals An assumption based on inaccurate, preconceived ideas and misinformation
“girls are good listeners” Gender stereotypes can be both positive… “girls are good listeners” …and negative “boys are not to supposed to show their emotions’
Film: A Man Like You!
Group discussion What were the messages in the film? Did you agree with the messages in the film?
What does it mean to be a man in our society? The Man Code What does it mean to be a man in our society? Ask students: What does it mean to be male in our society? After asking the question aloud, have students write all the words, thoughts, feelings and phrases that come to mind when reflecting on what it means to be male in our society. Students can also include illustrations on their sheets. Explain to students that their concepts of what it means to be male can come from a variety of sources—their own ideas, the media, their family, friends, books and stereotypes (if necessary, define and give example of stereotype). Also, explain that just because they write the word or concept doesn’t necessarily mean they agree or After completing this task, have students talk in pairs about what they wrote. Students should take four minutes total to do this (two minutes each)—let them know when the halfway mark is. After sharing with a partner, as a whole class, have students call out the words and phrases they have on their sheets. On the board/smartboard, capture as much as you can without interrupting the flow of their sharing.
Stands up for themselves The Man Code Tough Doesn’t cry Takes charge Doesn't make mistakes Shows no emotions Stands up for themselves Doesn’t ask for help Knows about sex Strong In control
Paired discussion What names or put-downs do boys get called if they step outside of the Man Code? Respect is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being
Art Based Activity: Emotions Revealed What emotion(s) would you not show or talk about in front of your friends or family? Why?
These workshops were developed by Priority 1-54 as part of the Maps to Manhood project January – September 2018. We would like to thank Hastings and Rother Clinical Commissioning Group for funding the project