Dissemination and Communication Introductory course Disseminating Strategy Focusing on user needs Madrid 19-21 October 2016 THE CONTRACTOR IS ACTING UNDER A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT CONCLUDED WITH THE COMMISSION
Dissemination & Satisfaction Measuring Dissemination & Satisfaction Our example!
“Priority” to requests through website User´s Requests Channels “Priority” to requests through website
Other traditional channels User´s Requests Channels Other traditional channels info@ine.pt
100% integrated on website Portal technology User´s Requests Channels Tracing The Request
User requests.. Total Requests 2016 (jan-jul): 3.506 dissemination requests (without phone )
Easy measuring use with Youtube analytics (integrated tool) Statistics Portugal started his channel on Youtube on April 1st, 2015 with following purposes: Statistical information Improve Statistical Literacy Institutional Information Youtube Channel Easy measuring use with Youtube analytics (integrated tool)
Customer explanations Assess customer satisfaction A Request “Life Cycle” Automatic Request code Customer explanations Request Distribution Dissemination expert Answer to Customer Assess customer satisfaction Production Experts Measuring answer time (INE) Distribution Dissemination expert (With several time stops)
Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Answer Time Customer Satisfaction
Average time (95% of requests), 2015 1. Measuring Time Perfomance Average time (95% of requests), 2015 Total Statistics Portugal 0.504 working days Dissemination Experts 0.07 working days Sophisticated time counting
Customer explanations 1. Measuring Time Perfomance Sophisticated time counting Customer explanations (STOP Watch) All the minutes are counted and converted into equivalent working days of work Distribution (x minutes) Dissemination expert ∑(y1, y2,…yn minutes) The minutes are numbered between 09h00 and 17h00, with a one-hour interval discount (lunch time) Production Experts ∑(z1, z2,…zn minutes) User requests after 17h00 are counted from the working day following Total INE x + ∑(y1, y2,…yn minutes) + ∑(z1, z2,…zn minutes) Dissemination Experts ∑(y1, y2,…yn minutes)
2. Assess Customer’s Satisfaction In 2010, we have introduced an additional and automatic proceeding to assess the customer’s level of satisfaction concerning the service. With the implementation of this system, now we are able to assess automatically the customer’s satisfaction on the service provided. The survey is sent by an e-mail automatically generated 24 hours after the final contact/reply. The analysis of the results is led by the quality management service (a separate unit of the dissemination service).
EBR = F1*(-1)+ F2*(-0,5)+ F3*(-0,25)+ F4*(0,25)+ F5*(0,5)+ F6*(1) 2. Assess Customer’s Satisfaction extreme balance responses (EBR) The analysis of the results was displayed by using the “extreme balance responses” (EBR). This aimed to valorize the extreme answers in detriment of the medium evaluations which tend to represent a less expressive dissatisfaction/disagreement or satisfaction/agreement. The attributed ponderations were as follows: EBR = F1*(-1)+ F2*(-0,5)+ F3*(-0,25)+ F4*(0,25)+ F5*(0,5)+ F6*(1) where FI = Relative frequency of each observed value for each one of the categories I =(1,…,6). Data became to be referenced in a metric scale between -1 and +1, where values next to -1 mean full dissatisfaction/disagreement and values near +1 mean full satisfaction/agreement.
2. Assess Customer’s Satisfaction On-line survey, unique ID for each user . 2015 2016 (jan-jun) Response rate 32,4% 33,1% 70,3% of surveys received in 24 hours (jan-jun 2016)
2. Assess Customer’s Satisfaction 2015 2016 (jan-jun) AVERAGE (EBR) 0,71 0,76
2. Assess Customer’s Satisfaction Satisfaction level (EBR), 2016 (jan-jun) Public Administration Education Enterprises Foreigners Private Not Identified 0,84 0,73 0,76 0,78 In 2016 (jan-jun) were received 190 comments and 22 suggestions Positive Comments (149) Negative Comments (41) Fast Service Adequacy of response to the request Quality of Service Fast Service Adequacy of response to the request (Ex: answers that refer to the Portal) No information/lack information Suggestions (22) Information Needs Access to information More geographically disaggregated information
Thanks for your attention