Student name Student ID Degree program Area of specialization
Title of the Internship Report
Brief Introduction of the Organization Briefly describe the overview, business volume and competitors of the organization.
Organizational Hierarchy Chart Provide the hierarchy of the organizational structure.
Training Program Describe the tasks assigned to you in different departments. NOTE: In this portion you should NOT provide the general description of the departments you have worked in rather discuss the tasks that you have performed during your Internship Program.
Critical Analysis a. Risk framework b. Risks faced by the bank i. Branch Risk • Security system • Management Information System • Employees Integrity ii. Systematic Risk iii.Un-systematic Risk c. Loaning system (procedures used by the banks for advancing loans to the customers) d. Risk Mitigation Approaches
Future prospects of the organization
Conclusion You are required to describe the organization according to your evaluation/assessment in the light of your training program and critical analysis. NOTE: You should write points in the form of bullets as far as possible
Recommendations You are required to suggest solutions for all the problems or discrepancies (you have pointed out on the basis of your critical analysis and internship/learning experience) in the organization. NOTE: You should write points in the form of bullets as far as possible
Thank You