Radio and X-rays from GRS


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Presentation transcript:

Radio and X-rays from GRS1915+105 Alien! Radio and X-rays from GRS1915+105 Close Correlations of the Third Kind Ralph Spencer and Tony Rushton JBCA, The University of Manchester

Type 1 Type 2 Plateau Low/hard X-ray Flaring “C” state Soft High or Intermediate State 23 mas/day

10 years of monitoring

14 Merlin runs - 4 have extended jets following an X-ray flare Date X-ray flare (MJD) Motion mas/day 1998June09 50967 27±3 2003Mar06 52694 18 ±2 2003Apr18 52733 16.5 ±1 2003June15 52788 or 52792 17.5 ±1 23.5 ±1 Type 1 See Rushton et al MNRAS 2010

Hardness X-ray counts Ryle radio 1996 2006

Type 2 !

1999 2005 Type 3 ? Rushton et al 2010 in prep.

Summary Type 1: Type 2: Type 3 Relativistic jets ejected following a state change and X-ray flare – related to disc formation and evolution Apparent velocity varies – angle change? Type 2: Close correlation with X-rays in plateau state: strong coupling between accretion (ADAF) and radio strength (unlikely) or X-rays from same electrons (synchrotron?) Type 3 Long term (~1 yr) cyclic behaviour – thermal timescale of equatorial disc? Magnetic dynamo timescale of companion? Synodic variations due to a 3rd body? Mystery!

Questions ?