Water System Finance Workshop London, Kentucky June 11, 2013 Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Support by the Cumberland Valley Area Development District and the University of Louisville EFC. Conducted by the Environmental Finance Center Network. Shadi Eskaf Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 919.962.2785 eskaf@sog.unc.edu
Housekeeping Restrooms Breaks 6.0 water and wastewater operator credits 5.25 water district commissioner credits Presentations and handouts
Smart Management for Small Water Systems Smart Management for Small Water Systems *under a Cooperative Agreement with the US EPA The EFCN will provide training and technical assistance to small public water systems in all fifty states and five territories to help local water systems achieve and maintain compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Workshops, trainings and direct assistance will be provided on: Asset Management Water Loss Reduction Water System Collaboration Fiscal Planning and Rate Setting Energy Management Funding Coordination, and Managerial and Financial Leadership
Quick Introductions Name? Organization? Responsibility? Details on your water system—who you serve, infrastructure, big projects coming up, problems/concerns, etc.
Workshop Objectives Understand how to evaluate your system’s current financial condition Learn how to plan for and finance your water system now and into the future Provide forum for sharing finance and management perspectives, ideas, and experiences
Agenda Water Finance 101 Assessing Financial Condition Capital Planning Controlling Costs Rate Setting Design Beyond Rates: Other Revenues
An excellent way to keep your IT staff employed Topics Not Covered An excellent way to keep your IT staff employed
Which of the following best describes your background? Engineering/science Law Finance/accounting Business General management/public administration South African Literature
What type of system do you represent? Government Tribe Non-profit water association Private community system Non-transient non-community system Other