Structure of STAT6CF and N4 site DNA complex. Structure of STAT6CF and N4 site DNA complex. (A) Schematic diagram showing the domain organization of human STAT6, including N-terminal domain (gray), coiled coil domain (yellow), DNA-binding domain (red), linker domain (orange), SH2 domain (cyan), and TAD domain (gray). The core fragment and phosphorylation site Y641 are indicated. (B) Cartoon diagram of the STAT6CF-N4 complex (in front view). Colors of each domain are the same as in A. (C) Drawing depicting details of the STAT6CF–DNA interface. The side chains of residues (A chain) donating hydrogen bonds are shown as magenta colored sticks, and the hydrogen bonds are shown as yellow dashed lines. The conserved palindromic bases (TTC/GAA) in both sides of the DNA molecule are shown in orange. (D) A schematic drawing highlighting STAT6CF–DNA interactions. Residues forming hydrogen bonds are colored in magenta (D chain) and black (B chain). Jing Li et al. PNAS 2016;113:46:13015-13020 ©2016 by National Academy of Sciences