LCLS Startup, Commissioning & Future Scenarios


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Presentation transcript:

LCLS Startup, Commissioning & Future Scenarios Requirements, Project Deliverables Readiness Schedule Budget Post – CD-4 Developments of LCLS

CD-0, Goals for Scientific Mission Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) Free Electron Laser X-ray Photon Energy 0.8 - 8 keV Electron Beam Energy 4.4 – 14.1 GeV from SLAC Linac Peak Power in SASE Bandwidth 8 GW Peak Brightness 1 x 1033 photons/s (mm2 mrad2 0.1% BW) Pulse Duration <230 femtoseconds Pulse Repetition Rate 120 Hz

Critical Decisions and Commissioning LCLS Critical Decision Status: CD-0 Approve Mission Need – Complete (Jun01) CD-1 Approve Preliminary Baseline Range – Complete (Oct02) CD-2A Approve Long-Lead Procurement Budget – Complete (Jul04) CD-2B Approve Performance Baseline – ESAAB April 8 CD-3A Approve Start of Long-Lead Procurements – Complete (Dec04) CD-3B Approve Start of Construction – Scheduled (Nov05) CD-4 Approve Start of Operations – Scheduled (Mar09) Commissioning Milestone Dates: Start of LCLS Construction Start– Mar06 Injector Laser Commissioning Start– Jun06 Injector/Main Linac E-Beam Commissioning Start– Apr07 Linac-to-Undulator Commissioning Start – Mar08 “First Light” (E-Beam through Undulator) Start – May08

Goals of Commissioning/Startup Readiness Safety features and systems complete Safety systems/procedures documents complete Personnel training complete Orderly, staged handoff of operational responsibilities Technical Confirm that systems meet engineering specification Achieve physics specification

Commissioning Goals to support CD-4 A1‐1 (Injector Commissioning Goals) Repetition rate 10 Hz or greater Nominal Charge/pulse 0.5 nC or greater Nominal pulse length 3‐10 ps Projected emittance 2.0 mm‐mrad or less A1‐2 (Linac Commissioning Goals) A1‐3 (Undulator Commissioning Goals) Transport of electrons without loss to beam dump, 4.4‐14.1 GeV Diagnostics and machine protection systems functional 1‐10 Hz A1‐4 (Project Commissioning Goal for Project Completion (CD‐4)) Detect 106 photons flux /pulse Detect x‐rays in Far Hall

Critical Decision 4 Deliverables (from Project Execution Plan) Critical Decision 4: Approve Start of Operations Authority: Director, Office of Science Project completion (CD-4) will be accomplished when the commissioning goals have been achieved. Prior to operations, a period of commissioning and performance testing for the LCLS will be completed as technical systems and facilities are installed. A Commissioning Plan will be prepared to define goals that ensure LCLS systems are integrated and functioning as designed. The commissioning goals are to produce a single-pulse x-ray spectral flux density of at least 106 photons/(mm2 ·0.1%BW) at 1.5 Ångstrom wavelength, measured in the NEH or just upstream in the Front End Enclosure; and to detect x-rays in the FEH to confirm the xray transport system to the endstations is functional. Achieving the commissioning goals will demonstrate that the LCLS facility was designed, fabricated, and installed satisfactorily; systems are functioning as designed; and that the facility is capable of functioning as an XFEL producing intense, coherent x-ray pulses.

DOE Accelerator Safety Order Requirements 1-Accelerator Safety Envelope – Basis for Safety Assessment 2-Safety Assessment Document Hazards Mitigations 3-Unreviewed Safety Issue Operations halted Restart requires DOE approval 4-Accelerator Readiness Reviews 5-Training and Qualification 6-Written Procedures 7-Internal Safety Review System

Where Have We Been: Analyze Hazards Environmental Assessment Preliminary Hazards Analysis Preliminary Safety Assessment Document Fire Hazard Analysis – draft received

Where Have We Been: Identify Controls Radiation Shielding Design for New Enclosures Work Smart Standards Specific Standards

Level 2 Milestones Address Readiness Process Draft Prelim Safety Assessment Doc (PSAD) Complete April 2004 (A) DOE External Independent Review (EIR) Complete June 2004 (A) Fire Hazard Analysis Approved May 2005 Delivery of Undulator 1st Articles to Magnet Meas.Fac. July 2006 Sector 20 Alcove Beneficial Occupancy July 2006 MMF Qualified & Ready to Measure Prod Undulators August 2006 Injector Laser Commissioning Review Complete September 2006 Research Yards Mods Beneficial Occupancy October 2006 Start Injector Commissioning (Drive Laser) November 2006 Preliminary Safety Assessment Document Approved January 2006 Injector Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) Comp May 2007 Near Experimental Hall Beneficial Occupancy June 2007 Undulator Hall Beneficial Occupancy July 2007 Linac Facility Beneficial Occupancy July 2007 Start Injector Commissioning (UV Beam to Cathode) July 2007 Far Experimental Hall Beneficial Occupancy September 2007 Front End Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy October 2007 X-Ray Transport Beneficial Occupancy October 2007 Linac ARR (Li20-Li30) Complete January 2008 2-D Pixel Detector Production Start January 2008 Beam Transport Hall Beneficial Occupancy January 2008 Start Linac (Li20-Li30) Commissioning March 2008 Final Safety Analysis Document (FSAD) Approved March 2008 LCLS ARR Complete (BTH thru FEH) June 2008 Start Linac-to-Undulator (LTU) Commissioning June 2008 Start Undulator Commissioning (1st Light) August 2008 Start XTOD Commissioning August 2008 Start XES Commissioning August 2008 Central Lab Office Building Beneficial Occupancy November 2008 Note: (A) indicates actual milestone completion date.

Commissioning Milestones From 8/2004 Review 8/2004 Early Start Start Injector Commissioning – 5/06 6/06 First Beam on linac axis - 6/07 11/07 Start of Undulator Commiss - 5/08 7/08 Possibility of earlier start for injector It is ready to run at the start of the FY2006-2007 shutdown Earlier undulator commissioning revise beneficial occupancy dates LCLS PRD-1.1-2, FEL Commissioning Plan Undulator protection Beam-based alignment Measurement of basic performance parameters

Installation completion dates: Laser System June 30, 2006 Sector 20 Beneficial Occupancy: 1-1-2006 2005 Linac Downtime: 10-1-2005 to 10-31-2005 2006 Linac Downtime: 7-1-2006 to 11-30-2006 2007 Linac Downtime: 7-1-2007 to 10-31-2007 Installation completion dates: Laser System June 30, 2006 Gun Region June 30, 2006 Accel Region Mar 31, 2006 Heater Region Feb 15, 2006 Wall Region Oct 31, 2005 Injection Region August 2006 Spect Region August 2006 Waveguide through wall and up penetration October 2005

LCLS FTE Estimates (Mar05) LCLS resource estimate is derived from resource-loaded schedule. PIXE profile under development annualized

BES Support of SLAC operations LCLS startup budget was planned as an increment of SLAC HEP operations, with phased turn-on of experiments FY2006 President’s budget shows $30M for linac operation (PEP-II) FY2008 last year of PEP-II operation FY2009 SLAC linac support ~100% BES BES review of SLAC operating budget in the coming year

Startup of Experiment Program Soft X-ray Atomic Physics - Start at CD-4 PIXE provides 2 instruments in phase 1 Capable of supporting first experiments in 4 thrust areas Two more instruments in phase 2 complete all PIXE work in 2012 High-energy density station seeking funds from alternate source, likely online well before 2012

Electric Power Q1-Q2 FY2009 LCLS Power budget $3.56M Approx 15 kW for linac and facilities LCLS Linac ~10MW @120 Hz Enough for running over 3,000 hours in first half of FY2009

Looking Ahead – Undulators 2-6 Assumes tunneling can proceed without interrupting Operations

Commissioning planning well underway Conclusions - Startup SLAC, SSRL organization prepared to support high-quality LCLS operations Commissioning planning well underway Injector commissioning 2006-2007 Linac commissioning 2007-2008 FEL commissioning before 7/2008 Three instruments ready during commissioning

End of Presentation

LCLS L1 and L2 Milestones 7 L1 Milestones tracked by DOE-SC1 27 L2 Milestones tracked by DOE-SSO 132 L3 Milestones tracked by LCLS Project Office L1-L2-L3 under change control Add'l L4’s tracked by System Managers

Scenario for SLAC as a BES Lab

LCLS Summary Schedule – Mar05 Highlights Schedule Float 213 days (10.5 mos.) ~23% cont wrt CD-4 Critical Path Und B.O. - Und Inst to 1st Light FY05 Shutdown ~1 month FY06 shutdown ~ 4 months FFTB Shutdown Jul06 LCLS may request advancing this date

CD-4 Approval of Start of Operations PR1‐1 The Project Execution Plan states the summary requirement for achievement of Critical Decision 4, Start of Operations. “The top‐level commissioning goal is to generate x‐rays in the LCLS undulator and detect them in the Far Hall.” The Far Hall is one of two locations where x‐ray experiments may be carried out with the LCLS beam. This milestone is to be achieved by 30 September 2008. The Project construction schedule is constrained by this requirement. Achievement of CD‐4 entails; achievement of commissioning goals for the injector achievement of commissioning goals for the linac achievement of commissioning goals for the undulator systems beneficial occupancy of the Near Experiment Hall beneficial occupancy of the Far Experiment Hall completion of beam path from the undulator to the Near Experiment Hall completion of the beam path from the Near Experiment Hall to the Far Experiment Hall operational personnel protection systems for all electron beam enclosures operational personnel protection systems for the hutches in the Near operational personnel protection system for the center hutch in the a functional x‐ray detector in the center hutch of the Far Experiment Hall achievement of commissioning goals and requirements for all level 2 WBS elements successful transport of an x‐ray beam from the undulator hall to the detection of x‐ray photons in the Far Experiment Hall

Functional Requirements FR1‐1 Operation of the LCLS linac for the x‐ray experiment program and LCLS-related FEL and electron beam physics studies will be scheduled for at least 75% of the scheduled operating time of the Two‐Mile Linac as a whole. Maintenance to the LCLS linac requiring entry to the linac enclosure may only be carried out when the entire linac is shut down for access. FR1‐2 Operation of the LCLS will be completely compatible with simultaneous operation of the linac in support of the PEP‐II program. FR1‐3 It will be possible to switch from LCLS operation to acceleration of beam from the damping rings (e.g. to End Station A) without the need to enter the linac tunnel. Acceleration of beam from the CID guns may require removal of the xband accelerating structure in sector 21 of the LCLS Linac. It will be possible to remove this accelerating structure and make the linac ready for beams from CID in 24 hours or less. FR1‐4 Operations control of the LCLS linac and the electron beam will be carried out from the SLAC Main Control Center. Necessary data for monitoring and control of the LCLS will be available to the SLC controls system.

Functional Goals FG1‐1 The LCLS linac and undulator systems should be designed to operate with bunch charges in the range 0.2 – 1.0 nanocoulombs. FG1‐2 Operational availability should be greater than 90%. The linac is typically operated about 6600 hours per year for all purposes (PEP, FFTB, End Station A, tune‐up/training/studies) FG1‐3 The traditional tolerance for transverse beam stability in a synchrotron source is 10% of beam size. This will be a challenging goal due to the small emittance of the LCLS beam. FG1‐4 EPICS controls should be implemented where practical; it is expected that the injector, undulator systems, x‐ray transport/optics/diagnostics and end station systems will implement EPICS for device control. FG1‐5 Achievement of the CD‐0 performance goals PG1‐1, PG1‐3, PG1‐4, and PG1‐5 will be verified using devices that are part of WBS 1.4, X‐ray Transport, Optics and Diagnostics. The brightness measurement requires that an upper limit be determined for the x‐ray pulse duration, and that the total energy of the photon pulse be measured. The measurement will depend on calibration of the x‐ray attenuators, which must reduce the xray intensity by a factor of 10,000. Nonlinearity in the attenuator will itself be the subject of early atomic physics experiments at LCLS. For this reason, it is to be expected that the uncertainty in peak power output of the LCLS will be approximately a factor of 10, through the first year of operation ofthe facility.

Global Requirements Document Defines Project Goals and Requirements Project Completion Compatibility with other uses of linac Goals for achievement of scientific mission Forms basis of risk assessment “risks” are risks of not achieving GRD goals and requirements Other kinds of risks are managed by other means

Preliminary Safety Assessment Document 5 kW beam power 15 GeV, 333 nA 28 GeV, 178 nA 150 kW Maximum Credible Incident Operations beam power 1.7 kW

4-Accelerator Readiness Reviews 5-Training and Qualification DOE O 420.2X Requirements 4-Accelerator Readiness Reviews 5-Training and Qualification 6-Written Procedures 7-Internal Safety Review System SLAC Operations in place and mature

Operations Budget and Staffing $3,560,000 at $0.058 per kW*hr will buy 5580 hours of linac operation. however I shouild factor in the building power. assume 6MW for facilities, so in six months building power will cost $1.525M. this leaves $2.035M for linac power, enough for about 3,190 hours of LCLS linac operation. a full schedule for 6 months!

Level 2 – Level 3 Milestone Buffer ~30 Days