Last Month’s Star Students Congrats to our Star Students! Ms. Mixon’s Classroom Newsletter April 2019 Dates to Remember Classroom News I hope you and your second grader had a relaxing and enjoyable Spring Break! The end of the school year is approaching! On April 1st, there is no school due to an Institute Day. There is also no school on April 19th. We are going on a field trip to Legoland on April 8th! Please make sure your child arrives to school on time that morning and is dressed appropriately for the weather. Lunch will be provided. Lastly, Spring Open House is on Wednesday, April 10th. I look forward to seeing you! April 1-No School April 8-Field Trip April 10-Open House April 19-No School April 26-Book Orders Due Last Month’s Star Students Josue Malia Congrats to our Star Students! Ms. Annalisa Mixon Passow Elementary School
Reading: Fairy tales, main idea of a multi-paragraph text Unit 14 Trick Words Week 1 Week 2 Wednesday piece Saturday bought Thursday brought Unit 15 Trick Words January enough February special July December What We’re Learning Reading: Fairy tales, main idea of a multi-paragraph text Spelling/Phonics: Double vowel syllables Writing: Opinion Math: Adding/subtracting numbers to 1,000 Science: Plants Reminders Reading Logs are due every Friday. Students should be reading 15 minutes each night. Raz Kids is a great way to make sure your kids are reading “good fit” books! Book orders are due on April 26! You can also order your books online at using the code P7NMG. Please make sure students are practicing addition and subtraction facts every night! I have sent home Prodigy accounts to help your students practice math facts and skills. **If you would like me to resend login information for Raz Kids, Seesaw, or Prodigy, please let me know! Birthdays April 7- Vivien Happy Birthday!!