Blood Agar, PEA and CNA
MacConkey Agar E. coli
Catalase reaction Your organism produces the positive reaction on the right.
Coagulase Test
Furuncles & Carbuncles
A Sore Throat Your patient is a 5-year-old boy who awoke on the day prior to evaluation with a sore throat and fever. His mother had him stay home from kindergarten and treated him symptomatically with Tylenol. He slept well but the next day awoke still complaining of sore throat and fever, as well as headache and abdominal pain. He was an only child and neither parent was ill. Did the boy’s mother wait too long, not long enough? Under what conditions should you seek medical attention for a fever? What do you do next?
On physical examination, he has a fever of 38.4ºC. His anterior cervical lymph nodes at the angle of the mandible were slightly enlarged and tender. No skin lesions or rashes were seen. What is a normal temperature? How bad is the pain? Name two causes for the patients sore throat? List the patients signs and symptoms in two columns. What do you do next?
On physical examination, he has a fever of 38.4ºC. His anterior cervical lymph nodes at the angle of the mandible were slightly enlarged and tender. No skin lesions or rashes were seen. What is a normal temperature? How bad is the pain? Name three causes for the patients sore throat? List the patients signs and symptoms in two columns. What do you do next?
On physical examination, he has a fever of 38.4ºC. His anterior cervical lymph nodes at the angle of the mandible were slightly enlarged and tender. No skin lesions or rashes were seen. What is a normal temperature? How bad is the pain? Name three causes for the patients sore throat? List the patients signs and symptoms in two columns. What do you do next?
On physical examination, he has a fever of 38.4ºC. His anterior cervical lymph nodes at the angle of the mandible were slightly enlarged and tender. No skin lesions or rashes were seen. What is a normal temperature? How bad is the pain? List the patients signs and symptoms in two columns. Name three causes for the patients sore throat? What do you do next?
What kind of bacteria do you see?
Which bacterium do you suspect is the cause of the sore throat?
Scarlet fever
Streptococci Streptococcus pyogenes
Diplococci in Sputum Streptococcus pneumoniae
A Cough You are an intern examining a patient that is a 5 1/2-week-old male who was transferred from a rural clinic to your hospital with a 10-day history of choking spells. The child’s spells began with repetitive coughing and progressed to his turning red and gasping for breath. In the prior 2 days, he also had three episodes of vomiting in association with his choking spells. What do you do next?
The resident also asks you to take a nasopharyngeal swab
Clear Chest X-ray
Comparative Genome Hybridization
Bordetella phylogeny
Comparative Genome Hybridization
Comparative Genome Hybridization O-antigen synthesis Gene content variation and structural differences in the LPS O-antigen biosynthesis region