Jupiter: King of Planets Oskar la Grange
What is Jupiter? Jupiter is MASSIVE! It’s 11 and a bit times bigger than the earth. The planet is named after Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods.
3 new things I learned 1 Short Day / Long Year 2 Gas giant 3 Lots of moons One day on Jupiter takes about 10 hours One year for Jupiter (where it goes round the sun) is about 12 Earth years I wouldn’t even be 1 years old! Jupiter is bigger than all of the other planets in the solar system added together! It is made of gases which make the surface look stripey It has 67 moons but only 53 have names The largest moons are Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa
...is where I’d like to go next! Jupiter ...is where I’d like to go next!