Presented to the California Food Producers and Processors Coalition 13 February 2009
Central Valley Salinity Policy Group Critical Issue Salt increases in the CV are a significant and critical issue Key Facts Handout - Regulatory and Technical facts that Lead the Board to take action 30 October 2008 Central Valley Salinity Policy Group
Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long Term Sustainability (CV SALTS) Why is this important to you? STAKEHOLDER ANY USER OF CENTRAL VALLEY SURFACE OR GROUND WATERS 13 February 2009 California Food Producers and Processors 3
Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long Term Sustainability (CV SALTS) – The Preferable Course of Action 2 February 2009 California League of Food Processors 4
CV SALTS Initiative Why is this important to you? New Regulatory Program Salt Management Plan Basin Plan Amendment Stakeholder Driven Process Little Hoover Commission handout 2 February 2009 California League of Food Processors 5
CV SALTS Initiative Why is this important to you? Basin Plan Amendment List Water Bodies Review, Revise and Develop New Objectives Review, Revise and establish Uses Define Implementation 2 February 2009 California League of Food Processors 6
Goals All users of Central Valley surface waters and groundwaters are engaged and actively participating in the effort All users contributing to and/or impacted by salts and nitrate in Central Valley waters contribute financial or other resources to planning and control efforts A regional Salinity Management Plan is developed and implemented through amendments to the Central Valley Basin Plans and Delta Plan
Central Valley Water Board Meeting of (insert date) Time Line Agenda Item # Central Valley Water Board Meeting of (insert date) Slide 8
Central Valley Salinity Coalition Non-Profit coalition of users of Central Valley Water Water and wastewater Agricultural and irrigation Industry And others Effective efficient manner developing and funding studies, planning and implementation efforts Webster 2 February 2009 California League of Food Processors 9
Org Chart for Pamela’s Presentation The Future of the CV Salts Initiative, currently defining Governance
Coalition Status and Efforts Similar to Northern and Southern California Salinity Coalitions Board Comprised of Nominees from Significant Contributors Completed founding funding $125K Next round funding progress $150-$500K Funding salt sources study and other efforts coordinated with CVSPG 2 February 2009 California League of Food Processors 11
The Course of Action if CV SALTS Fails
Central Valley Salinity Policy Group The Regulatory Organization for Basin Plan Amendment without CVSC and CV-SALTS Initiative 30 October 2008 Central Valley Salinity Policy Group 13
Contacts and Websites Are on the Handouts 2 February 2009 California League of Food Processors 14