Evaluation of Public Administrations‘ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals Dr Gordana Žurga
Contents About the project; May IPSG meeting at Brdo – discussion and decisions; 2nd Draft Report; First evaluation results; Proposal for continuation IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
Timing Discussion at the IPSG I meeting 18-19 Feb Call for providing the information / template 25 Feb Information from the MS 11 April Discussion on draft report at the IPSG II meeting 12-13 May Discussion on second draft report at the July IPSG meeting 10-11 July Finalising the report, printing a publication for the 5QC October 2008 IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
Expected results Presentation of the results at the 5QC conference in October 2008 in Paris, Publication – printed version, pdf version, Presentation of countries' cases / projects which contributed the most to the Lisbon goals in an individual country, Presentation / review of contribution to the realisation of Lisbon Strategy goals, from the IPSG's point of view IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
May IPSG Meeting at Brdo Report to be further elaborated, to reflect clear intentions / focus; more efforts to be put in presenting the results; to explore ways of the most suitable presentation of national cases …; Next draft to be presented and discussed at the IPSG Meeting in July 2008, together with a proposal on contacting other EUPAN WGs in this regard IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
The 2nd Draft Report 26 Member States, 24 national cases; First evaluation results; National cases presented regarding the 4 basic questions; Info on co-ordination and national programmes – valuable source for benchmarking / bench learning IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
First evaluation results (1/5) National cases: Vary a lot; Tested upon: - Working areas; - Public policies aspect; - Lisbon Strategy aspect; - Public Administration aspect IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
First evaluation results (2/5) Four basic questions: A Are we doing right things? B Are we doing things right? C Can goals of the future be achieved through the structure of today? D How can we foster science, research, development and innovation? IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
First evaluation results (3/5) Are we doing right things? France AB Are we doing right things in a right way? Greece, Spain B Are we doing things right? RAB/BR: Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia eGov: Denmark PAR/QM/sector: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Poland, Romania C Can goals of the future be achieved through the structure of today? Finland D How can we foster science, research, development and innovation? Austria, Belgium, Ireland IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
(4/5) Functions & policies Research & innovation Trust & sinergy Good governance, partnership Customers & results orientat. A France AB Greece, Spain B Bulgaria, Italy, Slovenia Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg, Romania Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic C Finland D Austria, Belgium, Ireland IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
First evaluation results (5/5) Summary: Variety of approaches and possible combinations; Cases are not supported by clear reasults achieved; A strong benchmarking and bench learning platform IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008
EUPAN / IPSG point of view National cases are related to all EUPAN WG areas; 2nd Draft to be sent to all EUPAN WGs; Feedback - comments by 19th August 2008; Analysis to be included in the report IPSG Meeting, Paris, 10-11 July 2008