Member Survey of Process: Ratings of Satisfaction
What is the member survey of process? Asking members of the group to evaluate their "service" in the hopes of improving weak spots and continuing on with those methods that are proving to be successful.
How is this different from the member survey of goals? Member survey of goals asks members to respond to action plans during the planning stages of the group. Member survey of process gathers opinions from members once it has begun work in the community.
Why should you do this type of survey? It reminds members that you care about their ideas, suggestions, hopes, and dreams. Makes members feel they can participate in all aspects of the group, increasing their enthusiasm.
When is the right time to start? We recommend that this survey be done annually so you can continually receive the input of your members concerning the work done by your group.
How to conduct the member survey of process The four steps are: developing a survey; obtaining the ratings; assessing satisfaction with different aspects of the group; using the data to improve the functioning of the initiative.
1. Develop a survey Have some members of the coalition to propose a survey form and help design the survey. Hold a small meeting of those who might be interested in developing a survey and brainstorm possible areas for questions. Send out a preliminary draft of the survey to your most active members and ask them to comment, add, and take out questions. Develop the questions which you will want to ask on your survey. Prepare the questions in such a way that you can determine the satisfaction and the overall approval with the different aspects of the group.
Come up with questions that assess satisfaction with the following aspects of the group: planning and implementation leadership services community involvement with the group progress and outcome
2. Obtain the ratings. Distribute surveys to all the other members of the group.
3. Assess satisfaction. Tabulate the results of the survey.
4. Use the data to improve the functioning of the initiative.