Time courses of SSc-PAH signatures. Time courses of SSc-PAH signatures. Dashed black lines indicate the range of values observed in healthy participants at baseline. Note that the data displayed for study arms A and B in the present figure (longitudinal experiment) were acquired in a separate batch from the data on healthy participants (cross-sectional experiment; already described in Fig. 2) and so may not be directly comparable to the healthy data; we nevertheless include the dashed lines as a guide. (A) IgD proportion. (B) IgD mutation loads. (C) Percentage of lineages using the IGHV2-5 segment (all isotypes combined). (D) Proportion of somatic mutations observed in a lineage that were considered “fixed,” that is, present in at least 80% of the lineage’s sequences. The proportion of fixed mutations was calculated separately for each lineage containing between 5 and 29 distinct sequences and then averaged across all those lineages. Charles F. A. de Bourcy et al. Sci. Immunol. 2017;2:eaan8289 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works