A day in the life of a hungarian student A Comenius 1. project 2007/2008
Hello! I am Lilla Hajos from the town called Szolnok in Hungary. I am fourteen. Hi! I am Mark Lakos (14). Lilla and I go to class 8.B at the Belvarosi Primary School.
I usually sleep nine hours at night. At this moment I am not dreaming about my alarm clock which is going off in a few minutes. I am not as talkative as Lilla. I am going to be short like many other boys. I wake up at ten past six because I live near the school.
I get up at five to six. Every day I get out of the bed on the wrong side. I get up at twenty past six.
At twenty past six I clean my teeth. I do not like brushing them with cold water. I brush my teeth after breakfast at twenty to seven.
I start to get dressed at half past six. I always try on a lot of clothes. Finally I choose the first ones. At a quarter to seven I put on a pair of jeans and a jumper. I like wearing casual clothes.
I go to school at seven oclock. I walk there with my best friend because we live in the same street. I do not like going to school alone. I go to school at seven oclock too.
School starts at eight oclock. Our fourth lesson today is History but we do not like it very much.
I have lunch at one oclock p.m. in the school canteen. There is semolina pudding for lunch. I have lunch at home at one oclock.
From half past two to half past four I do my homework. I study for the lessons in advance because at the weekend I have a lot of programmes. After lunch, in the afternoon I study o n my computer.
At five oclock p.m. I go to an Art class. My hobby is drawing. In this p hoto I am making a picture with felt-tip pens. At five oclock I go training to the ice rink and I play ice hockey.
I have a bath at half past eight in the evening. I like relaxing in warm water because it calms me down. At half past eight I have a bath. I do not have much time so I study and have a snack while I am in the water.