Norwin School District Title 1 or Reading Assistance Parent Survey Thursday, September 27, 2018
123 Total Responses Date Created: Friday, September 22, 2017 Complete Responses: 123
Q1: Which Norwin Elementary School did your child attend? Answered: 122 Skipped: 1
Q1: Which Norwin Elementary School did your child attend? Answered: 122 Skipped: 1
Q2: Indicate the grade level(s) of your child/children who participated in the Title I or Reading Assistance program this year. Check all grade levels that apply. Answered: 121 Skipped: 2
Q2: Indicate the grade level(s) of your child/children who participated in the Title I or Reading Assistance program this year. Check all grade levels that apply. Answered: 121 Skipped: 2
Q3: What part of the Title I or Reading Assistance program do you feel has helped your child's academic progress the most? Answered: 109 Skipped: 14
Q3: What part of the Title I or Reading Assistance program do you feel has helped your child's academic progress the most? Answered: 109 Skipped: 14
Q4: Have you used the information provided in the Title I Parent Resource Center? Answered: 110 Skipped: 13
Q4: Have you used the information provided in the Title I Parent Resource Center? Answered: 110 Skipped: 13
Q5: How would you prefer to receive information from your child's school? (Check all that apply.) Answered: 122 Skipped: 1
Q5: How would you prefer to receive information from your child's school? (Check all that apply.) Answered: 122 Skipped: 1
Q6: Do you attend opportunities for parent involvement? Answered: 123 Skipped: 0
Q6: Do you attend opportunities for parent involvement? Answered: 123 Skipped: 0
Q7: If you answered no to the previous question, why? Answered: 59 Skipped: 64
Q7: If you answered no to the previous question, why? Answered: 59 Skipped: 64
Q8: When do you think having informational events next year would be most helpful for parents to increase attendance? Answered: 112 Skipped: 11
Q8: When do you think having informational events next year would be most helpful for parents to increase attendance? Answered: 112 Skipped: 11
Q9: Choose the workshops you might like to attend Q9: Choose the workshops you might like to attend. Check as many workshops as apply. Answered: 106 Skipped: 17
Q9: Choose the workshops you might like to attend Q9: Choose the workshops you might like to attend. Check as many workshops as apply. Answered: 106 Skipped: 17
Q10: In recent years, Norwin elementary teachers have been provided professional development on the topics in the list below. Select the ones that you feel should be reviewed or revisited in future professional development sessions: (Check all that apply.) Answered: 72 Skipped: 51
Q10: In recent years, Norwin elementary teachers have been provided professional development on the topics in the list below. Select the ones that you feel should be reviewed or revisited in future professional development sessions: (Check all that apply.) Answered: 72 Skipped: 51